brThe band Backfield Rock began their journey back in 2008, playing hardcore music and recording an EP titled Revolução Pessoal (Personal Revolution). This was the inception of something great. In 2009 they polished and refined their sound, adding their current guitarist and drummer, which led to their complete album, Guentaê, releasing in 2011. Equipped with this new sound, the band strategically placed this album’s production and mixing in the seasoned hands of Hateen vocalist, Rodrigo Koala, and Grammy award winner, Lampadinha.

The band is doing everything we at RockRevolt deem noteworthy of a band to keep your eyes open for, from making some kickass music, to formulating strategic business branding and forming smart alliances. They are positioning themselves to take it to the next level. They were finalists in the 2013 WebFestValda festival (one of the most important indie band festivals in Brazil), they played at the historical Circo Voador, and this week they rose to our attention at RockRevolt, making them this week’s Indie Band of the Week.

The band is currently working on their second album, and have teased us with the song “Ditadura da Manipulação (Dictatorship of Manipulation),” a song which, according to the band, is a form of protest. “We are all hostages of a dictatorship that indirectly manipulates and closes our eyes and the real blind person is the one who conforms and settles.”

Watch “Ditadura da revolução”

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Their message is direct and a storm of change within the Brazilian music scene is beginning to take shape. Backfield Rock is Rock n’ Roll  at its best with a simple essence and notable mix, and are at the apex of that movement, pushing them to new heights.  

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