If you aren’t hip to this week’s Indie Band of the Week, Freakabout, you’d better get a’stepping and plug into their sound! Mixing influences from Arctic Monkeys and Highly Suspect with a little Red Sun Rising and Joan Jett, their incredibly unique and powerful sound is something not to be missed. And they’re just a good group of people to know! Feast your eyes on this interview and then get them in your ears today!

Who are you and what is your role in the band?

This is Cortney here – I sing in the band.

How did the band get started?

The band started with Aaron (guitar) pestering me to get together and “work on music.” It freaked me out but he was persistent enough for me to finally give in. The first time we ever hung out, we wrote three songs and it was a blast. Now we’re good buds and we have Ian (drums) and Ben (bass) rocking with us.

Who are your influences and how do they play a role in your sound?

We are heavily influenced by Bulleit Bourbon and Miller Highlife. As for bands, we all have a handful of bands that we’re super into and then bands that we love as individuals. As a whole, I’d say we’re influenced by Dead Sara, Rival Sons, Highly Suspect, Joan Jett, Red Sun Rising, Rodrigo y Gabriella, Queens of The Stone Age, The Parlor Mob, Arctic Monkeys and so many more.

FREAKABOUT – “Yellow Light”  

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What has been your most meaningful experience being in this band so far?

I would say releasing our first full length album last year was one of the biggest accomplishments for me personally.

Favorite memory from a show you’ve played or a place you’ve travelled?

Last year we were on tour with our buds from New York called American Pinup. We played a show down in New Orleans and decided to go check out the strip at two in the morning. We had a good time roaming the city but my favorite part came after that. We decided to get one hotel room, mostly to save money I suppose, but there were nine of us. NINE OF US IN ONE LITTLE HOTEL ROOM. There were sleeping bags everywhere and we were basically sleeping on top of one another but for some that’s what made it so fun.We stayed up for what seemed like hours just laughing and laughing and crying from laughing so hard. I think I grew a six pack from those deep belly laughs. It was pretty great.

What do you hope to accomplish with your music?

We’re in the process of writing a record right now and we just want to write songs that we would want to hear.

Something about you that no one knows?

Our favorite movie as a band is Spice World.

What is next for the band?

Finish the record!

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