Whitechapel - Our Endless War


Whitechapel - Our Endless War - album - coverWhitechapel
Our Endless War
Metal Blade Records
Release: 29 April 2014

When the review copy of Whitechapel’s Our Endless War appeared in our email, the first words out of my mouth were, “I need someone to review this…immediately!” Ruthless, yet polished, the fifth album by the American deathcore band Whitechapel is not one to listen to once. It’s visceral inclinations, profoundly powerful lyrics, intricate rhythms, and diverse range of themes deliver an album that satiates your metallic palate, yet leaves your lusting for more.

With an orchestral intro “Rise”, the band flexes a sonic muscle that displays the beauty that can be found in this genre, but it is short lived as we burst into “Our Endless War”, giving us a hint of punk graced with guttural and syncopated vocals. The lyrics “Sweet land of idiocracy” and “Let’s take back our justice for all” ring anthemic in the air as we move into the first single launched from this compilation: “The Saw is the Law”. With a heavy laden bass, alternating growls of different frequencies, the song is a multi-textural experience, with a gooey bass framework. “Mono” hits our ears next, not without leaving us with a lacy guitar outro that morphs into a siren wail that pours into a sick beat.

“Let It Burn” begins full force with a “The Mouth of Hell is open Wide”, and promptly leaning into a face melting groove reminiscent of the classic band Green Jelly (Little Pig Little Pig – Let Me IN). Combined with the drums the song delivers a powerful statement as the guitar pushes into the climactic end with Arabic influences. The song is brilliant.

Whitechapel “The Saw Is the Law” (LYRIC VIDEO)

[embedplusvideo height=”300″ width=”590″ editlink=”http://bit.ly/1hsy78T” standard=”http://www.youtube.com/v/eVI6c0TlM2g?fs=1″ vars=”ytid=eVI6c0TlM2g&width=590&height=300&start=&stop=&rs=w&hd=0&autoplay=0&react=1&chapters=&notes=” id=”ep2679″ /]

What song describes the world today more than “Worship the Digital Age”. With technology overriding our lives, this song is poignant and rings true. We have all sold our souls and are now worshiping at the electronic altar. The tempos wax and wane as the song flows into a dystopian landscape of guitars, concluding in repeats of the chorus. The song is a heavy hitter and it feels so good.

The album just gets better and better, with the digital inflexions of “How Times have Changed”, the eerie sonic soundscape paved by the guitar in “Psychopathy” that breaks into a tremendous wall of sound as the vocals invoke you to come out and dance tonight.

“Diggs Road” is another standout track, as Whitechapel delves into the difficulties of loss and mourning stemming from suicide. Bozeman’s lyrics and the guitar solos enter into realms that touch your soul in a way never before.

There are two bonus tracks on the album, but I won’t spoil the excitement. If you are deathcore-aholic, you will want to immerse yourself in the waters flowing from the Whitechapel font of “Our Endless War”. This album delivers the variety you crave in an album, but few in the genre can provide.

4 big ugly skulls for this one, and four horns up all the way!






By:  Alice Roques, RockRevolt Magazine Co-Founder and Managing Editor


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