Page 48 - Issue12
P. 48

back and see what we grew from. Now, we are a Christian band and we are Well, there are some medical things
we can reach back and maybe help Christians in a band as well; it’s a that I tend to carry with me on the
those people who are going through combination of those two things as road. One is rather disgusting and
those issues again and let them know well. We’re a Christian band because I’m not sure how many people know
that although it’s hard, this is where I of the label that people tend to put about it. It’s called the Neti Pot and it
am at now. on things and we’re ok with that and looks like a teapot and your pour it in
we don’t back down from it. Our your nose and it cleans out your nasal
It sounds as if the entire project was ultimate goal is to tell people about passages and helps me to sing. When
a bit of an emotional journey for you God and how ne has changed our you travel on a bus like we do, there’s
guys. What did you personally take lives, but we also keep pour lyrics this thing called bus lung. The air
away from the project once it was neutral because we believe our music conditioning systems in the buses are
completed? is for everybody whether you are a so dusty and everyone’s always clearing
I think that going through this project Christian or non Christian. It’s ok if their throats when they wake up. So,
was a great experience for all of us. It our listeners disagree with some of the the Neti Pot is a lifesaver. I think when
was great to look back at things and stuff that we believe in, but we want non-singers read this’ they’re going to
the transitioning. Joe ((Rickard), our to let them know how it’s affected and think it’s really weird. I also use apple
old drummer, had left and although helped our lives. We don’t try to cram cider vinegar for reflux issues which
our last record sold rather well, we it down anyone’s throat because it’s helps to clean out any bacteria with
didn’t accomplish our goal. We had about building relationships with the any reflux, which I’ve had issues with
expectations, even in our personal fans and other bands that we go out since we started. I think it’s because
lives, we all had gone through some on tour with. your diaphragm is connected to your
dark times and when we started stomach and I think that with the way
writing for this record, it was a really Do you think the media or people in we move on stage plus the screaming
great time for us to connect as musical general tend to fixate too much on the took a toll on me the first couple of
brothers. It was a great time to open label of Christian rock? years. I think the other thing would be
up to each other and help each other I think there was a stigma early on my X-Box 360 and my games to help
out in some of those situations that when Christian started coming out pass the time when we have a day off.
we were going through. For me, this that it was music that really wasn’t up
record is near and dear to my heart to par or that Christians in general are Michael, I appreciate your time man
emotionally and I feel as if we’ve judgmental towards other people, so and I am looking forward to catching
poured every ounce of emotion and there was that stigma. We try to break you guys out on the road; any last
energy into the record and I think it those boundaries when we’re out on words for the readers?
shows. the road with bands or crews who They can check out all the clips that
may not be Christians. we’ve made for the new album on
I have a fan question from Matthew Facebook or our website. The new
from South Carolina. He wanted to Speaking of being out on the road, I album comes out on February 24 and
know if you always intended on being know you’re about to kick–off a tour I hope they’ll check it out and come
with Islander and Three Years Hallow.
a Christian band or did you start see us when we hit the road in March.
as a band and it transitioned into a hat are three personal items that you Thanks again for the talk Johnny. 
Christian rock band? make sure to pack for the road before
You know, ultimately, I think that
you head out?
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