Page 43 - Issue12
P. 43
How so? There were so many checklist items I’m guessing that you guys probably
The first one, Alpha, is more of what that a song had to pass to make it on learned some stuff about yourself in that
one would expect from Periphery, to the record. In all honesty, that’s why creative process that you might not have
although we are doing a lot of new it took so damn long to make. known going into it?
things on it. On the second one, Oh, totally man; you learn things that
Omega, you really see us branching out Was your approach in making this new you like and you learn things that you
and doing some things that we don’t record different than what you’ve become don’t like about yourself in a process
really do. There’s an acoustic song on accustomed to doing on the past? I ask like that. There are a lot of artists
there, there’s a twelve minute track on because it seems like you guys managed that are not accustomed to letting
there, there’s a thrash song and there’s to tap into this creative reservoir of new others critique their work; they have
a little bit more experimentation on and different elements that we haven’t their feelings hurt if it gets critiqued.
it. There’s something going on in the really heard on past albums. You can’t be that way in a band and
story as well that made sense perfectly Oh totally, from every aspect from the with us it’s a huge thing; you have to
to make it a two album release. We also writing of the album to the recording check your feelings at the door. Each
didn’t decide to release them separately to the narrative that I just mentioned, of us had a ton of ideas that got cut
and months apart like some artists do all of that was done differently that and didn’t make it to the album, but
because ultimately Juggernaut is one we’ve ever done things before. We’ve that’s just the nature of it. There’s an
expression that we use called butt-
story and we wanted it to be looked never done a concept album, so
at as one piece even though it is two obviously that was a huge learning hurt that we use and it’s tough for all
albums. We didn’t want a three month curve for us. It’s a huge element to of us, but you can’t allow your feelings
buffer period between releasing the add into your music and still try to to get hurt.
albums separately; we wanted it to be maintain a semblance of your sound,
digested all at once. so it completely forced us to restructure
the way we go about writing music.
I’ve read a few times where this new The whole creative process, as far as
release is referred to as a concept album. who was involved in it, was new as
Now, there’s a term that you don’t see well. We collaborated pretty heavily
thrown around a lot these days. Was the on our last record Periphery 2, but the
concept there before the music or vice ideas were cultivated on one’s own.
versa? For instance, I would write most of
The idea for the concept was there the song on its own and I would bring
before the music and I know that it to the guys and we’d finish it off. The
sounds really convoluted. The idea of same would go for Misha or Jake; it
doing a concept album has been a part was done, almost entirely, in isolation.
of this band’s culture for years now and For this new album, Jake, Misha and
we’ve wanted to do it for some time I went into a room for two months
now. We’ve always wanted to have this and we wrote the album together. We
over-arching story that had a narrative sat there and wrote ideas together for
to it first before we put music to it. Jake, eight hours a day from the ground up.
Misha and myself are the primary song Then, we would send the ideas over
writers in the band and while we were to Spencer, then to our bassist Adam
writing the music for it, Spencer was and our drummer Matt and see what
writing this fully flushed out detailed they thought of it. We would take
story. After his story and the music all of their critique very seriously to
writing aspect of our side was done, heart and we never had that kind of
we got together and began piecing it dynamic before. It allowed everyone
together from there. It was still a bit in the band to have an equal voice
challenging because historically with when it came to the creative process.
our music, we can go ahead and put a Again, that’s another reason why it
fun sounding song on the record that took so damn long. We’re all very
we’re all proud of and release it, but happy that we did it that way and we
this time it really had to fit the vibe of learned that we only want to do it that
story and the energy of Spencer’s lyrics. way from now on.
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