Page 39 - Issue12
P. 39
Off the album I love the song “Rusted Nail”, it has almost a Yes I do. He’s doing ok. He’s still fighting. I met him last
Pink Floyd “Another Brick in the Wall” vibe, do you have a week and we had a coffee. That was really nice. He has
favorite song off the album? his own band called The Resistance and he’s writing movie
It depends on my mood and what day it is (laughs). soundtracks.
“Everything’s Gone” is one of those really cool songs I really
like and I love to play it live as well. And as you said “Rusted You just started the U.S. leg of the tour and that will take you
Nail” always works. through May, then back to Europe. Do you notice a difference
when playing the U.S. as opposed to Europe?
This is the first album with you back in the band. How did Overall I think it’s more relaxed and easier to tour the U.S.
that go? because (laughs) you have stores open 24/7 and everything is
It was really good. It was a little different experience than much easier to get a hold of. Back home in Europe they close
what I’ve done before. The band records differently. It was pretty early. I really enjoy the culture over here in the U.S. but
just a really cool experience for all of us. I also do love Europe and Scandinavia because that is where
we are from: Gothenburg, Sweden.
You were in the band in ‘97/’98, left and returned in 2011.
Why did you depart and then what made you decide to come I’ve been to many festivals in Europe including seeing the
back? Big Four (Metallica, Slayer, Megadeth & Anthrax) at Ullevi
I’ve known some of the guys since high school when Anders Stadium in Gothenburg. It seems like the vibe is much
played with Septic Broiler (now Dark Tranquility). We have different from the U.S. It seems like there is a lot more crowd
a history there and I know how it all works music wise, song participation at the European festivals, would you agree?
structure and recording so it was a natural choice and just felt Well, for example, a festival like Wacken (Germany) has been
really good about it. around for so long and they are really keen on booking bands
like Saxon and Motorhead (classic heavy metal). It became
You are friends with Jesper (Stromblad, founder of In Flames, something they do every year and it’s been going on for over
no longer with the band) from way back, do you still have 25 years. It’s more of a tradition in Europe. In the U.S. you
contact with him and know how he’s doing? don’t see bands like Saxon at festivals.

Besides Sweden, do you have a favorite You’ve toured with many bands due
place you like to play live? to your long history, but are there
When it comes to this kind of music, two bands in existence today you
heavy metal, it’s all about give and would love to tour with?
take. A good heavy metal concert is Yes there is, Motorhead and King
not just built for the band to deliver Diamond.
from the stage; it’s also interaction
from the fans. When those two Sounds like a tour in the making.
elements work together, band and How about your personal influences?
Is there a show that stands out for you
audience, you get a really good Who inspired you to play?
concert. That goes for big festivals that had the vibe at its best? My first album on vinyl I got from
as well. When you get that vibe from Yeah, I have one for you. We played my dad. I was 10. Defenders of the
the audience, it’s amazing. It can our hometown back in November in Faith by Judas Priest with K.K.
be Sweden, Greece, over here in the which we recorded for a DVD and Downing, Rob Halford and Glen
states, or England. As for a favorite will release later this year. We played Tipton and all their metal, flying
place, it might not necessarily be for the hockey arena (Scandinavium). I V guitars. Listening to the album
the show, but maybe they have a good saw my first concert there. I saw Dio, I just freaked, and then watching
music store or a place I like to visit Saxon, Maiden, and Judas Priest - stuff the video for “Bark at the Moon”
but for a show it really comes down like that. We played there three times by Ozzy and seeing Jake E. Lee, just
to the audience interaction, make and on the third night I could finally amazing. Then actually one of my
something out of the night, and make relax and concentrate on my own thing first concerts was Motorhead on
the best of it. An Iron Maiden concert and perform. That’s captured on the their Never Gets Dark Tour. Just
with Bruce Dickinson and Steve DVD and that makes me really proud. experiencing the vibe and seeing
Harris, they are great performers, It’s an amazing feeling, just to digest it, Lemmy - I was like, “Alright I will
artists at their finest, but without the to take it all in. It took me three times try to do this!”
screaming audience you wouldn’t get to do it and on the third time I could
the vibe. Because, as I said before, it’s finally do it.
give and take.
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