Page 26 - RockRevoltMagazine-FebruaryMarch2016
P. 26
Goodbye Juneby Alice Roques
I work this land Goodbye June came about realized how important
Til the sun goes down after the passing of Shane it was to live out what we
Baker. Tell me about the wanted to do. The only
If there would be one word to describe the band, feeling in the room when you thing we knew how to do
Goodbye June, it would be “fortitude.” Goodbye started writing songs? good or thought we were
June, a trio raised in southern Indiana and good, we weren’t at the time,
currently located in Nashville, bring their heart, Landon: For all of us it was was music. That was our
soul, and seemingly ceaseless drive to succeed into obviously a very sad time release and we just started
everything they do. Borne out of an emotionally when Shane passed away. writing songs from the
trying time, the guys of Goodbye June have been We were all doing music in heart, songs that mattered
successful at using pain mixed with the beauty of some form or fashion. Me and ultimately it lead to us
the world and producing music that speaks to a and Brandon were in a band moving to Nashville trying
variety of listeners. From writing to producing, together prior to Shane to do this full time and
these three know what works and what doesn’t passing, this was a long time make a living.
when it comes down to creating their unique rock ago. I was like 16 years old.
and roll sound. We had the chance to sit down and All three of us wanted to Brandon: It was a good
talk to the band about overcoming loss, creating be in a band together, me distraction from all that
something beautiful from tragedy, and what fans and Brandon really wanted pain and shock. Just try
can expect in the future, both in the studio and on Tyler to come play with us. to break away from it for a
the road, of Goodbye June. Because we were in TN at little bit and write a song. It
the time and he was in IN it was another aspect of that
was kind of hard. whole process.
Brandon: He was going to The first album had 11 songs
University. He’s the smart on it, which were the first
one and got his degree. that started out that healing
Landon: Me and Brandon
are college dropouts. But it Landon: Oh man there’s
was a nice release. I think probably a lot more that
all of us in the moment in didn’t make the album.
our lives, following months
and even a year or two after Brandon: Yeah, we write
Shane had passed away we we don’t say let’s write 12