Page 23 - RockRevoltMagazine-FebruaryMarch2016
P. 23
Will they be joining you on the tour allows us to do something different. It off of the top of my head. So, how does
you are on now? seems like a no-brainer. We get to do all of this make you feel as a musician
something different for the fans. We to see these legends leave us?
I think so. My wife is at home, taking don’t like sitting at home and doing
care of a lot of work of her own. So, nothing, so we figured we’d fill in Yeah, and Scott Weiland. We’re losing
it just depends on where she winds the gaps of our regular touring with some real legends here, ya know. Scott,
up and how long it takes her to finish acoustic runs so we, ourselves, could I think, had a few more years in him,
what she needs to do. keep our chops up together as much as and Bowie had a few more years, I
possible, and to more importantly, let thought, in him. Bowie’s been around
Awesome. Well, I know you have done the fans see the band in a different way. for a long time, and he’s lived a very
acoustic shows in the past. What made good life. I would consider myself
you roll out this acoustic run with Star- Well, I for one am looking forward to lucky if I had that same run. But, I
set? What was your motivation to do a coming out and seeing you on the tour. think with Scott, he went a little too
full acoustic tour? And I know others are as well. Now, soon, so that’s very tragic. Nobody
let’s switch gears for a second. This year likes death; nobody wishes that upon
We have a lot of full-band, regular seems to be defined by the passing of a anyone. It’s sad, and it happens, but we
touring that we are rolling out coming lot of legends in the industry – David take the pain from it and hopefully do
up, and so we just wanted to put an Bowie and Glenn Frey come to mind something constructive and positive
acoustic run in between our regular with it.
electric cycle to fill in the gaps. It