Page 29 - RockRevoltMagazine-FebruaryMarch2016
P. 29

Do tell!                                           something me Landon, Tyler and the             People love festivals, they want to get
  Brandon: I can’t yet, it will be coming          producer of the video came together            out and see as many bands as they can,
  out hopefully in the next month or two.          and talked about everything and we             they love the atmosphere. Obviously it’s
                                                   just wanted something completely               the team working it and the artist that
Being that your first album was                    outlandish, out of this world. We got          are playing it, it’s up to them to make it
completed in the wake of Shane’s                   Steve Holy in on it because he was             special and more people will come back
death, was this new album any easier,              working with our management at the             the next year.
emotionally, to write?                             time and he was really into the music.
                                                   Jeff Fisher is a friend of the band and      Do you have any festivals you will be
  Landon: As far as it goes compared               also just really liked our music and         hitting up in 2016?
  to last one it’s a completely different          agreed to be in the video. Jeff looked
  process. The first album was us three            like the perfect cop.                          Landon: As of right now we have some
  and our producer at the time just kind                                                          stuff in the works but our schedule is
  of mulling through everything, we did            Landon: Yeah, that sweet stache’.              really open right now because we’re
  write a lot of songs for that album. I                                                          finishing an album, we’ve been really
  think that was the first step with us          You’ve been rounding the festival circuit        focused on getting that done. To
  really figuring out what we wanted to          in 2015, in your opinion what makes a            answer your question in some sort of
  adapt to and what sound we wanted              festival great?                                  way we are working on a bunch of stuff.
  to focus on. Nor The Wild Music Flow,                                                           Brandon: But we can’t say anything yet.
  it’s almost four years old and it’s a lot        Landon: I think you got to have,               Landon: We are kind of in a lock
  of versatility in the music, there’s some        obviously, adequate headliners. We             right now.
  up songs, rocking songs, there’s slower          played a lot of the festivals that are
  more ballad type songs. I think this             fabulous and we played a lot that are        You’re all being so coy.
  new album that we are going to put               first year, second year, we’ve done it all.    Landon: We’re not being coy, we’re just
  out is focused more on real rock n roll,         We’ve seen the steps and progressions          used to the game by now (laughs). We
  gritty rock n roll. It’s going to be a dirty,    that festivals can take from an artist         are really excited about it though! 
  riffy, with a little bit of some softer stuff    point of view. What makes a great
  here and there. More or less a straight          festival great are the people that
  on rock n roll album. I think that kind          show up, that’s number one. Also the
  of helped us figure out this last process        people that are working the festival are
  with Paul Moak and other people                  passionate about it and a lot of good
  helped us hone in our sound.                     acts it meshes well together. We’ve
                                                   been in some festivals where it was
You have an incredible video for                   the first year and they had some issues
Microscope, your video debut. It has a             but knowing leaving that next year is
Dukes of Hazzard style to it that features         going to be bigger and better because
Jeff Fisher and Steve Holy, how did you            the people were in to it and passionate
get those two on board and where did               about making it work and I think that’s
the concept for the video come from?               the biggest thing, the people that put
                                                   it on they really control where it goes.
  Brandon: That concept is kind of
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