Page 19 - RockRevoltMagazine-FebruaryMarch2016
P. 19
Brawner added, “Our music is militant, it’s black space. We Switching topics, I asked the band what the immediate future
have bass lines that are very much static along with the kick holds for them.
and snare with guitars complimenting the bass lines and then “After this tour we have opportunities. Justin from Tool said
vice versa with songs such as “X-Day” which is more of a hey why don’t you come record your next record at my house.
thrasher. It’s much more riffy, it’s very locked in and it’s on a I have a soundboard in a fucking teepee and we can get all
grid. It has this sort of pounding and pulsing body to it.” fucking weird”, said Mincolla. “We are just going to have a lot
Mincolla when speaking about 3Teeth’s sound and what more resources after this to do what we want which is good.”
inspired him personally musically has tossed around the term Mincolla continued, “We are really ready to bleed for the next
transgressive art in previous interviews. album. The first album I don’t want to say that we approached
Seeing as how my understanding of anything art related is it casually but we really wrote that album for ourselves, we had
somewhat limited to stick figure
drawings and sixth grade level no fucking idea if anyone was going
macaroni sculptures I asked the to like it. This project kind of caught
band’s front man to expound on traction in sort of a surprising way.”
this particular subject matter. Closing, Mincolla commented, “We’re
“It’s funny because I almost heading back to the studio, we have a
want to go back and retract that little headlining tour as a follow up as
statement because what’s fucking well and then we got to get back and
left of transgressive art at this point do some writing. We got summer
anyway,” explained Mincolla. coming up so we want to be able to
“Industrial music for me growing finish something before we can hit the
up, I just liked the message a lot festivals.”
and how it challenged things I can easily understand why critics
and got you to think a little bit. and fans alike have been quick to heap
Obviously I loved death metal too praise on 3Teeth’s debut record. Their
but seriously how many fucking music is both sinister and augural
songs can you write about Warcraft,” recalled Mincolla with while challenging the listener to
Brawner beside him letting out a huge laugh. Mincolla added, actually pay attention and explore the meaning behind their
“One thing I always liked about industrial as a genre is that one madness.
industrial act almost never had anything to do with the next Having witnessed 3Teeth’s shows opening for Tool and Primus
industrial act besides the fact they shared a message.” in both Charlotte and Nashville up close and personal I can
Brawner offered some insight into this topic as well. “I liked convey that their live performance is beyond engaging and
the controlled distortion that wasn’t so bleeding to your ear somewhat unnerving as it births an atmosphere of both
but it was fucking loud and it was thrashy and I had never violence and unrest at times without either actually occurring
heard anything like that before.” and to be honest, I think that’s what the band is going for.
Speaking specifically about 3Teeth’s sound Mincolla said, As 3Teeth put down their instruments in Charlotte at the
“We’ve put out one album and a large part of those 14 songs conclusion of their set I began to reach down to placed my
was us actually trying to figure what 3Teeth is.” photography equipment back into my camera bag when a
Mincolla further mused, “People are like what’s that and twenty-something reached over the rail, tapped me on the
they just sort of use whatever fucking metaphor they have shoulder and said, “man those guys were fucking really good.”
on hand to describe you. And then of course you have to be I couldn’t have said it better myself.
on someone’s fucking Spotify play list, so what boxes do you
check on ITunes when you upload your music.”