Steve Vertun Channels Blade Runner in Newest Music Video,

Who doesn’t love a good music video, especially one with a timely message? Steven J Vertun is serving up just the right balance of visual engagement and auditory excitement with his newest Matt Zane directed music video, “Radio.” This second music video off of his Ghost, Shadow and Sun. LP has a definite Blade Runner vibe with a strong critique of modern society’s over reliance on social networking, all wrapped up in a killer rock song.

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I wrote and created “Radio” the song and later the accompanying video, to bring consideration to the destructive nature of social technology to society in general. The isolation, friction, stimuli overload amidst the relentless clatter and clang is overwhelming social graces and human to human interaction. That said, the video demonstrates a way out and above the chaos. – Steven J Vertun

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