santa_sal_portraitIt’s an hour past Christmas and we have something special for you! We got an interview with an honest to goodness celebrity! He is a talented actor, having been in MANY movies, including The Box (featuring Cameron Diaz), Ted, The Zookeeper, I Am Legend, and many others. Above all that, he plays Santa Claus. We aren’t talking the strap-on beard Santa that smells like Jack Daniels and Aspercreme. No. This is the Santa that makes you BELIEVE deep down in your soul that the jolly gift-giving Saint Nicholas IS real and walking among us.

He is Sal Lizard, actor and author. His book Being Santa Claus is an amazing recounting of his becoming the iconic symbol of merriment and joy. It is heartwarming and earnest, and just a plain good read – moving from story to story, making your heart grow bigger than any ol Christmas Grinch’s.

Now, I know you’ve probably seen some less Santa-like footage of Sal out there, in which he plays a darker and more sinister version of Kris Kringle. That’s the beauty of being an actor though. Whether or not Sal is covered in full Santa Claus regalia, or donning a pair of fangs and contact lenses, he is still Sal: a wonderfully talented man that can warm your heart and fill you with yuletide spirit, or terrify you with a bite to the neck.

Interview with Sal Lizard – Santa Claus:

Alice/RR: I thought it was quite funny that the presence of Santa Claus alone dispelled a fight between two grown men. Have you ever been in a fight yourself, or close to it, and thought to yourself, “Whoa! I shouldn’t be doing this! I’m Santa Claus!”?

Sal: No, I haven’t gotten into a fight since I was a kid. Well, let me retract that — I did once take on a fellow who sucker-punched a gal and broke her nose. I felt it was warranted and the police took him back to jail and I got a lot of back-slaps and free drinks that night.

Alice/RR: Santa Sal to the rescue! I also chuckled when you spoke about smoking being the opposite of what Santa Claus stood for, and therefor quit. How hard was that for you to do and would you recommend the “Santa Cease Smoking” program to others who are trying to kick the habit?

Sal: It was very difficult and I eventually did it with hypnosis. While I would like to see others drop that particular habit, I still believe in their right to smoke, if they wish.

Alice/RR: (laugh) The part of Fallon, the child who was duped by the radio station, that part killed me. I honestly feel that it was a dick move on behalf of the radio station to do that, especially to trick her into opening her presents early. My birthday is only a few days before Christmas, and I always got to open some early ones. What is the “Honest-to-Claus” policy on opening presents early?

Sal: Well, I think that family circumstances and traditions can trump that rule (It’s more like a guideline, really). Sometimes, someone can’t be there for Christmas morning and they even ask Santa if he can deliver presents early – Santa wants everyone to enjoy their Christmas and has been known to be accommodating.

Alice/RR: I also love it that you said that children that don’t believe get underwear and socks. I believe in you, and I LOVE receiving gifts of underwear and socks. What will you be putting in my stocking this year?Pardon Me. Are you THE Santa!

Sal: Santa likes to surprise children! I’m sure you’ll be happy!

Alice/RR: Hell YES! Thanks Santa! I got a kick out of the extremes to which parents went to make sure their kids continued to believe in Santa. What did your family do to keep your belief alive, and in turn, what did you do with Ashley to make her continue to believe in Santa?

Sal: We were quite poor when I was a child, so just the fact that I got toys made me believe in Santa; especially when I got something that I’d asked for. With Ashley, I didn’t try because she seemed to always believe. Once, when I had lost my job and we were really struggling financially, Ashley went to bed on Christmas Eve and I was in for the evening, at around midnight, we had visitors bearing gifts and food for Christmas. When Ashley woke up the next morning and asked where it all came from, I simply said, “Santa.”

Alice/RR: Touching! In relation to the letters you received on the airplane, what has been the most off-the-wall gift request you’ve received from adults, and which of those have you been able to fulfill?

Sal: Well, I guess the request for a wife from a jewelry store manager and the request for a guy who wanted to marry and could provide jewelry from a young lady that I pointed towards that guy is the best example that I can think of. That story is in my book.

Alice/RR: I LOVED that part! Sal, thank you so much for taking a quick moment to talk about some of your personal anecdotes, both from your life and your book! I will let you get on with your Christmas Merriment! I’m sure there are some kids out there waiting for you to spread a little joy this season!

~Alice Roques, Co-Founder and Managing Editor of RockRevolt™ Magazine


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Catch up with Sal Lizard (the actor and comic) here:

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