Framing Hanley is back with their album Envy. You won’t be able to avoid the trip down memory lane to where Emo and alternative rock ran the show. While providing us with nostalgia the band is also able to shake it up with some diversity. The album has something for every fan out there.

“Say You Ever” kicks it all off with some beautiful operatic string instruments and a heavy touch of autotune. Thus, giving it a slight reminiscence of the bands cover “Lollipop.” “Bubbles” is a smooth transition for the alternative tone of the album. It’s an enticing intro to help you gear up for the crescendo of intensity up ahead. Throughout the entire album lead singer Kenneth Nixon serenades fans with his smooth and passionate vocals. Along your listening journey “Maeve” stirs up a bluesy and seductive feeling that you can’t help but swoon to. It captures your attention and draws you back in for more.

While acoustically pleasing, Envy isn’t just easy on the ears. It has many layers throughout. The song “Joke’s on Us” touches on some very emotional and political points we can apply to our everyday. Using lyrics such as, “Breathing poison while destroying all that we touch. The joke’s on us.” It goes on further to acknowledge feeling blame and never making the right choices. The song speaks out on the regret of waiting to be active until it’s too late. While never obviously stating the true target of the lyrics it can be easily inferred by the listener. Applicable to a broad and current subject matter in the world around us.

Loyal fans along with new are sure to enjoy the Framing Hanley’s new album Envy. The album delivers a welcome fresh twist to the unforgettable sound the band is known for. It is a true alternative delight for all.

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Album review by Heather Householder

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