Court.collageLostprophets singer Ian Watkins has been sentenced to 35 years in prison after pleading guilty to a string of child sex offences.

UPDATE:  Read the  official  “Sentencing Statement” Document here

Watkins reportedly shook uncontrollably as he was handed down the sentence at Cardiff Crown Court, and it was greeted by shouts of “yes” from the public gallery.

In Court beside Watkins were two female co-defendants, aged 21 and 25, which also sentenced for various sex offences, with ‘Mother A’ given 14 years in jail and ‘Mother B’ given 17 years. They cannot be named for legal reasons.

Cardiff Crown Court Justice Royce QC of Cardiff Crown Court handed down the sentences to Watkins & two “mothers”

Justice Royce QC told Watkins and the two co-defendants, “what you three did plumbs new depths of depravity”.

He said the singer had a “dark and sinister side” and the gravity of his offences “breaks new ground”.

“You had many fawning fans.  That gave you power.  You knew you could use that power to induce young female fans to have help satisfy your insatiable lust and take part in the sexual abuse of their own children,”  he said.

On his release in around 20 years’ time he would normally have been on licence for the remainder of the 29-year term.

The judge, however, added an additional six years on licence and told him: “Your total sentence, therefore, is one of 35 years.”

It has not been determined where Watkins and the two “mothers” will ultimately end up to serve their sentences.  Watkins has been under “15-minute Suicide Watch” while being held at the Cardiff Jail.  He may be sent to a psychiatric prison first.

On November 18, 2013,  Watkins’ defense barrister Sally O’Neill QC, told the Court during that hearing:  “He is on suicide watch five times an hour.  He has been seen by a clinical psychologist and she believes he should be receiving anti-psychotic medication. She wants him to be taken to a secure hospital for assessment and treatment.”

It has not been revealed whether or not O’Neill argued today for further psychiatric consideration be given to determine the place of incarceration for Watkins.

Stay tuned for updates.



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