3 Pill Morning Medicates the Aftershock crowd
On Friday May 20th 3 Pill Morning stopped by Aftershock in Merriam, KS as part of their current tour. They unloaded an apothecary’s chest of songs on the feigning for their fix. Before the show I watched a lot of videos to prepare. I thought they were ok and was like, this won’t be bad. To my surprise, live and in person, 3 Pill Morning seemed like a completely different band. They sounded even tighter live than they did recorded. The crowd had the same thoughts as I did I think. To start the show they were scattered about, with the exception of one young lady decked out in 3 Pill Morning gear, she was hanging from the barrier from the start. By the start of the second song the crowd was upfront and present for the rest of the set. Don’t judge a book by its cover people, I thought these guys were good on tape, but live they kicked my teeth in. Get out there and see 3 Pill Morning.
Ace Sims – RockRevolt Contributor