Straight Line Stitch -bandStraight Line Stitch may be a band who’s unfortunately known more for how many members have been in the line up since their inception, however there is no denying that throughout all the ups and downs, they’re still able to kick ass and release a fresh breath of life into everything they do. We were able to talk to the lead singer, Alexis Brown, about the tour they’ve recently embarked on with Revolver, the show where they were supported by an saucy puppet show and their recently released EP Transparency.

You’re currently on the Revolver Tour with Ill Niño and Davey Suicide, among some other great acts. How is it going so far?

The tour has been absolutely phenomenal. Ill Niño is great and all of the bands that are on the package are pretty amazing as well. Most importantly they’re all nice and down to earth.

On the 12th June, you were supported by a puppet act. How surreal was the experience?

I thought the experience was pretty cool, definitely different and odd in a way, but still cool.

Your fans have commented on Avenue Q as the opener, some joking about it, and one fan saying “There is so little respect left in the U.S. for original music & the talented people who create it”. What’s your take on a performance different to yours opening up the show?

We’re a pretty open minded band when it comes down to things like that. In some form or fashion people are striving to get their voices/talents out there and we get it….we’re a part of that struggle.. Our motto is we’ll play with anyone. The scene is way to clicky to begin with. There should be more camaraderie amongst us all.

Your EP, Transparency, is going to be released at the end of this month. What’s the meaning behind the title?

The meaning behind the album title is being able to see things clearly for the first time in a long time. This band has gone through so much yet we’ve persevered and we’ve managed to hold steadfast to our dream even when things were at there bleakest. It’s about being able to see past all the bad things and pushing forward to the greater good.

Straight Line Stitch - Transparency - album cover
Click the album to purchase from Amazon

Can you give us a walk through of what the songs from the EP are about, and what are the general themes that run through Transparency?

All the songs on the album are pretty much about running away or getting away from darkness all the depression negativity that we’ve been living in for years. It’s about letting everything that doesn’t work or hasn’t worked go. It’s about embracing what’s actually good in life. It’s about pushing forward, but not losing our souls or trying to be something we’re not all for the sake of what some people think success really is.

Dark Matter: Getting away from darkness…anything negative; bad thoughts, depression, hurt, etc..

Wilderness: Being lost…loss of support system that I thought would always be there…

Out of Body: Self acceptance!! I’m imperfect but I have to embrace who God intended me to be.

Face of God: Surviving & escaping the hell that I made.

Human Bondage: Being enslaved to wanting to be forgiven instead of forgiving myself & just moving on with life.

What was the choice behind Transparency becoming an EP instead of an album?

We hadn’t put out any new music in four years and we didn’t want to clobber our fans with a big full length right off the bat. We thought it better to test the waters first with an EP to see how people would respond.

As a band that has had various versions of the line up in the past, what does it feel like going into the studio with a new group of people?

It sucks to be known as that band that has had a revolving door of members, but unfortunately it’s just something that happens sometimes. As far as working with new members in the studio, that experience is awesome because everybody brings something new to the table and its like a breath of fresh air.

In an interview with Rock Your Lyrics, you mention that there were unfortunate events that happened during the recording of this EP. Did those experiences influence the outcome of Transparency? Most definitely!! I used the experiences as a platform to get out all the emotions of that time. All the hurt, all the frustration, it just sat inside me rotting, making me feel terrible….it needed to come out.
Revolver are showcasing the video to your track “Human Bondage”. What was the choice behind releasing that as a video from the EP, compared to the other tracks?

We chose “Human Bondage” because I felt so strongly about the track. Everything that was built up in me and that I was carrying inside, it almost killed me! The guilt, pain, disappointment, disillusion, the bad decisions….I wanted to be free of it! It took me seeking The Lord God to actually forgive myself and finally move on. I felt people would be able to relate.

Straight Line Stitch – Human Bondage

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There aren’t that many women within the metal genre, but you’re one who can scream just as well as any male can. What are your thoughts on women being involved in the heavier side of metal, so to speak?

I think its awesome!!! To me it doesn’t matter what your sex or nationality may be…if you have it in you to do something, then do it!

Generally in the west, most of the bands are not only male, but predominantly white. In your experience, have you come across more adversity or welcome based on your race or gender in having a career in this type of music? Or have you not noticed any difference at all?

I’ve come across some racism here and there and it’s really disheartening. If I’m a mean person – which I’m not! (laughs) – hate me because of that, but not because of the color of my skin. That’s ridiculous.

What can we expect to see from Straight Line Stitch in the future?

I hope more amazing tours, videos, and great music! Every day we continue to strive for those things.

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