
  1. Flaming Drake
  2. Tenacious Love
  3. Tyger
  4. By The Light Of The Moon
  5. Blow Northerne Wynd
  6. Swebend
  7. Frühlingslied
  8. Schnee
  9. In Dem Begyn
  10. Rossignolet
  11. Flame Amoureuse
  12. Musa Venit
  13. Melos Lacrimosum
  14. Nox Aeterna
Release Date: 5/12/2015 Year: 2015
4.5 skulls

With a name as unique as the music itself, QNTAL is a band that partners a nostalgic melody (for those with an inkling of interest in traditional European tunes) with modern electronic ingenuity. Opening the doors for their own genre “electro-medieval”, QNTAL prepares to release their seventh album, QNTAL VII, via Metropolis Records on May 12th.

Always staying true to the historical integrity of the writings and figures that are referenced, this album features the work of the infamous Lord Byron, Meister Eckhart, William Blake, and more. Noted as romantic works of literature, this album’s music goes hand in hand with the romantic era, an intellectual movement that originated in Europe around the 1800s. Before we get to the music itself, it is worth noting that the artwork on the album perfectly embodies the sound within. A painting done by Ricarda Djemili, which features four muses with soft features and an earthy palette, sets the mood for this album. An almost ethereal scene, much like the melodies present within. The opening track “Flaming Drakeopens with a moody melody, and leads directly into beautifully soft vocals. The singing style goes hand in hand with traditional celtic tunes. The lyrics are cited to an anonymous source from the 17th century, and take us back in time with the writing style. Like the opening track, “Tenacious Love” is also sourced to the 17th century, but has an instant hook in the melody, drawing you in immediately.


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Significantly more pop-like, track three, “Tyger”, is an audible interpretation of William Blake’s poem of the same name. William Blake was a mystic, a poet, an artist. A profound staple in history, Blake was influenced by the divine, and the world around him. As such, the melody of the song perfectly encompasses the man himself, and brings his character to light. Continuing with the theme of the previous song, the following track, “By The Light of the Moon”, takes the words right out of Lord Byron’s poem So We’ll Go No More a Roving, and makes the poem more… tangible, so to speak, as the words are now accompanied by a melody that completely and utterly provides the atmospheric presence the words needed.

Fun fact: Byron’s actual name was George Gordon, and he is the mastermind of the quintessential romantic hero. The hero figure Byron coined is a characterization present in literature to this very day.

The next track takes us further back to the 15th century, and features a more fluid symphonic sound. All of the songs thereafter are no longer sung in English, which brings an otherworldly feel to this album. The lyrics find themselves influenced by texts such as the Carmina Burana (translated: Songs from Benediktbeuern). A variety of new instruments are introduced in the final collection of songs, sounds that would make any Renaissance Faire patron shiver with joy, as well as the addition of male vocals, turning some of the songs into duets. A pop factor was added to tracks such as “In Dem Begyn”, making this cd both noteworthy to listen to AND dance to. Overall, this album features a pleasant variety that ties in graciously with the cited influences. Music that travels through time, jumping from various centuries and landing into our current period, QNTAL is certainly worth a listen- even if just to expand your understanding of music, or your knowledge of our literary history.

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