ALBUM REVIEW: Juggernaut: Alpha and Juggernaut: Omega – PERIPHERY

Periphery - band
Spencer Sotelo – Vocals, Misha Mansoor – Guitars, Jake Bowen – Guitars, Mark Holcomb – Guitars, Adam Getgood – Bass Matt Halpern – Drums

The new double concept Periphery albums, Juggernaut: Alpha and Juggernaut: Omega. These two well written and very interesting progressive metal albums are filled with beautiful music, but it took me a few listens to truly get into it because of the vocals. I am not one for clean vocals sung in such metalcore poppiness but this album would be nothing without Spencer Sotelo singing; the album is 50% about the vocals and to enjoy this album one must like a strong and clear vocalist.

Artist: Periphery
Title: Juggernaut: Alpha and Juggernaut: Omega
Release Date: 27 January
Year: 2015
Label: Sumerian Records
Songs like “A Black Minute” from Alpha and “Reprise” from Omega really threw me for a loop vocally with repeating but different lyrical melodies. I feel like I won’t fully understand this until I get the actual albums in my hands and can see 12 page graphic novel insert coming with the albums. I have questions dammit that hopefully the physical albums will answer! I don’t want my talk of clean vocals to water down the absolute heavy voraciousness of these albums; check out songs like “MK Ultra” (Alpha) and “The Bad Thing” (Omega).There are some really rocking space-jazz type songs that will actually make the prognerds wanna break shit and mosh. Some of my favorite songs are the “Alpha”, “Rainbow Gravity”, “Four Lights”, and “Omega”.Never has a band both intrigued, frustrated and made me hungry to see them live like the two new albums from the Maryland sextet Periphery. January 27th will give you all the chance to hear the entire album for yourself and you will be impressed.

Honestly, I really enjoyed the entire two albums and know that fans of tech laden, heavily rifftastic, vocally epic bands will too. Admittedly, this was a tricky set of albums to review for me. I really hope I convince a few of you to give them a listen and check them out live with their upcoming tour starting on Jan 10th!A nice solid 3 skullz for them!

3 skulls - dark background copy

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 By: Brandy Jarrett, RockRevolt Journalist


Juggernaut: Alpha

Periphery - juggernaut - Alpha


  1. A Black Minute
  2. MK Ultra
  3. Heavy Heart
  4. The Event
  5. The Scourge
  6. Alpha
  7. 22 Faces
  8. Rainbow Gravity
  9. Four Lights
  10. Psychosphere


Juggernaut: OMEGA

Periphery - Juggernaut - OMEGA


  1. Reprise
  2. The Bad Thing
  3. Priestess
  4. Graveless
  5. Hell Below
  6. Omega
  7. Stranger Things


  1. This is really poor journalism. It does not read well, and the score does not correlate at all with the actual review.

    I can’t blame the writer for the crappy web design though… To read something bigger than a twitter post, it’s best not to squeeze an article into the corner of a website – it makes it read badly, or in this case worse than it actually is. Christ, how hard is it to find a good review of a metal record?

    1. Every one is a critic and everyone has an opinion Langdon. We are certainly glad you decided to share yours…

    1. Per the author = “While I loved the album, I’m so confused at the repeated lyrics and harmonies on 4 songs that I’m not gonna give them a 5. I really need to speak to them when they come on tour and find out if they were just being lazy or brilliant!”

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