Page 43 - RockRevoltMagazine-FebruaryMarch2016
P. 43

way through a song or an idea and             their own, it still has this energy. I don’t  Is Atkinson also the one who did your
  then have nobody to bounce an idea            know there’s something that song that         album cover?
  off of and then so many ideas get lost.       has that pay attention something is
  In an environment like this someone           about to happen. So I think it just felt        No Zack did everything else, he did
  can pick up where somebody left off so        like a cool first song to put out there.        our logo and the single art. The guy
  it’s so collaborative.                      I also noticed in going through your              who did the album is Gilbert Semolara.
                                              website that it spurred some fan art.
I was also curious about your art, the        What do you believe is inspiring your           You also have “Ego”, it’s absolutely
album cover for EP Lucid Dreams,              fans about this song to that level?             beautiful and I was reading some of
it’s almost psychedelic. Can you tell           Well, the music video is an animated          the information about it on your site
me where some of that imagery came              video, a lot of people are making art         about how it’s a metaphorical murder
from?                                           based off of those animations so I            scene of a person who’s killed their
                                                think that video inspired that. We also       own self-destructive thought patterns
  Yeah one of my friends gave me the            work with this really talented artist,        by becoming aware of them which,
  art, but we kind of wanted him to do                                                        especially now with that Netflix
  something that reminded me of some            visual artist named Zack Atkinson and         Making a Murderer, that just kind of
  of the album cover that you could             I think his art that he’s created around
  have in a poster and blow up and it           the project has inspired people to               went hand in hand. Can you tell me
  would be exciting look at like on a           think visually about the project which           more about the background behind
  wall in a kid’s room, like back in the        is really what we wanted with like               Ego” and have you watched Making
  day the album cover from Dookie               the Gorillaz.                                    a Murderer?
  by Green Day, I remember having             Yeah, they have that anime feel going              Yeah I did, I just finished it actually.
  a poster of it and I never got tired        for them.
  of looking at it, every time I looked         Yeah, totally and we love that mix               I’m only on the second one and it’s
  at it I would find something new.             of visual art. Hopefully that stuff is           starting to take off.
  That’s kind of what we wanted and             inspiring the fans to think visually to          You know what’s crazy? My mother
  I think he did a great job.                   the music.                                       is from the area where all that stuff
                                                                                                 happened. She’s the one who told me
Yeah, it is interesting, lots of                                                                 about it. She was all shook up watching
different things going on in there for                                                           it and she’s like you’re not going to
sure. The first single Kings, solid,                                                             believe this but she really thinks the
incredible video that came along                                                                 guy is innocent. Regardless of whether
with it, can you give me some of the                                                             he’s innocent or guilty there’s a lot to
background to the piece and why did                                                              take away from that documentary, one
you chose to put that one out there?                                                             being that if you don’t have money it’s
                                                                                                hard to be innocent.
  I think that song has a few things, it
  has a cool edge to it and it also has                                                       Any final words for us?
  like a sense of urgency, it sounds like                                                       We’re just kind of in this chaotic, we
  something big is about to happen is                                                           are definitely procrastinators, we’re
  the feeling in the song and I think it’s                                                      going out on tour in a couple days and
  sort of cool watching people make it                                                          we’re getting everything together right
  their own. There was a dance team                                                             now. It’s just like that style of total
  in Russia that did a whole contest and                                                        chaos, running around. I’ll pack about
  there’s somebody else that’s covering it                                                      an hour before we leave on tour and it
  at a talent show and it’s in the arena for                                                    will take me a month to unpack that
  hockey, the Bruins of Boston. It’s cool                                                       same suitcase. 
  to see, it’s all about people that make it
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