Page 40 - RockRevoltMagazine-FebruaryMarch2016
P. 40

It’s not every day that a legend like Nikki         I see that Nikki Sixx gave you a big      brother doesn’t even know yet, I’ve
   Sixx sends your band a huge shout out and        shout out and you are one of his picks    got to tell him. He also works at a
   lists you as one of his top band picks for       for 2016, what are your thoughts on       great alternative station in L.A. that
 2016. But, that’s exactly what happened for        that? That’s a great accolade for you     we love and that was one of the first
 New York-based Tribe Society. Tribe Society        guys.                                     stations to play our song Kings.
 may be a newer band on the current scene,                                                    Getting some support out west.
 but don’t count their “age” against them. The        Yeah, it’s awesome. I had an
 band’s members have been making music                older brother growing up who          Perfect. I was going to ask, you’re a
 for a decade, and they’re no virgins to the          was into bands like that and that     relatively new band, you got together
 industry. Taking their sound from the rock           was definitely one of them, it        in 2015 but before that you were in a
 and roll streets of Boston to the multiplicity in    was awesome. It was almost like       band called Gentleman Hall?
 the scene of New York, these five guys draw          nostalgic to the era of hearing my
 inspiration from life, as well as artists that       brother blasting Guns N’ Roses and      Yeah, I’ve played in a lot of bands
 came before them and current innovators              Motley Crue. It’s interesting. That     with these guys. Before that we did
 in music. We had the awesome chance to               guy is like the god of the world he     another project, so we were in a lot
 chat with the band that is anything but              was in.                                 of short of incubator bands before
 conventional from the way they live and work                                                 we found a sound. There were other
 to the music they produce (hello, they have a      Absolutely, any bragging rights to        friends that were in those bands but
 rock and roll flautist!).                          your brother?                             a lot of the guys were the same so
                                                                                              we’ve been able to grow together
                                                      Yeah, yeah right! Actually my

If we could break through the ceiling above us

                                                                                            By Alice Roques
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