Page 38 - RockRevoltMagazine-FebruaryMarch2016
P. 38

those seven shows turned into a month.     I was checking out the recent song,           Dragonlord stuff I invited her up, and
  After that, the offers kept coming in –    “Winter Sun,” you did with Canadian           we ended up re-doing the keyboard
  we were just like, “Whoa!” We were         vocalist Leah (McHenry). What a               and choir stuff – now it sounds more
  literally going to do seven shows and      cool departure from Testament that            human. She did all the female choir
  then call it a day. Alex (Skolnick) and    was! Very atmospheric, symphonic-             stuff on the new Dragonlord record,
  Lou (Clemente) were down for it, so        sounding stuff. How did that                  and we also do a duet on the record.
  it was just, “Let’s get out and do this    collaboration come about?                     It’s the first time, I think, for black
  and have some fun.” We put out “Live                                                     metal to have – I don’t want to call it
  in London,” and if you look at it, it        I’ve known Leah since about 2005. I was     a ballad, but it’s a slower, darker song.
  looks like our first show or whatever.       going up to Vancouver a lot, because I
  “Dark Roots of Thrash” is probably           was working on this Dragonlord stuff        From that, it was, “Hey, let’s do
  7-8 years of touring, and it shows – it’s    with a friend of mine who worked at         something again.” I had this riff laying
  like two different bands. The set was        Lion’s Gate, he was doing some editing      around, and it reminded me of the
  pretty diverse, and we were warmed           for me. I was jamming with him and          holidays. This was September, and I
  up – it was like the halfway mark in a       some other friends, and Leah was            thought if we jump on it now we can
  tour, so it wasn’t like the first show of    one of them. That project really didn’t     get something done for the winter. I
  a tour and everyone is stepping on           go anywhere, but it was a lot of fun
  each other’s toes. We knew what                                                                   sent it to her, and within a day,
  we were doing, and that’s why that           – so I kept in contact with Leah. We                 she sent some piano stuff and
  one came out as good as it did.              always talked about doing something                  just took it a step further than
                                               together. She’s a unique musician –                  how I had it. It had a vocal
For this run, Eric, are you going              very inspiring, and like me, she’s very              pattern which followed the
to have Alex Bent playing drums                much into the medieval/Celtic, kind of               melody, and then it morphed
again?                                         old-world stuff that’s pretty cool. She              into where we had a chorus.
                                               kind of went off on her won and did                  We did it through WhatsApp,
  Alex Bent right now is sort of my            some stuff, and invited me in 2011 to                it’s all through the Internet
  “ghost drummer.” He’s helping                play on this track she had. I thought I              because she’s in Vancouver
  me write pretty much the whole               was just going to play some riffs on it,             and I’m in Sacramento – it
  record so far. I teach it to Gene,           but she was like, “No – sing.”                       was a lot of fun. We did it in
  because Gene’s schedule is pretty            To me, she’s like the singer’s singer,               a week. It took on a life of its
  crazy. Gene is our tour drummer              and it ended up being a song called                  own through this one riff.
  and did the last record with us. I           “Dreamland,” and it came out really                  There’s not much to it, it’s got
  could definitely see Alex doing              cool. The production’s not the best,                 this chorus and main melody.
  some stuff with us in the future,            but it was definitely promising for                  We just did this for free – put
  for sure. He lives pretty close to           future stuff to come up. When I did the              it out there for people. Metal
  me, which is a plus.                                                                              Maria (Adrenaline PR) helped
                                                                                                    us get the word out there, and
I ask because I got to see him live                                                                 so far it’s gotten 15,000 hits on
with Battlecross last year - he’s a                                                                 YouTube for the lyrical video
monster.                                                                                   within the first week. We’re planning
                                                                                           on writing maybe ten more songs like
  Yeah, I found him through some                                                           that, and it’ll be something to come
  friends in the scene like Sean Glass,                                                    out in the Fall, I think.
  because I was looking for a drummer
  for Dragonlord. Sean was like, “When’s                                                 It’s a very cool twist for people that
  the new Dragonlord coming out?” It                                                     might only know you from Testament
  was so out-of-the-blue – like “how’d                                                   or Dragonlord.
  you know I was going to make a new
  record?” Sean introduced me to Alex.                                                     It’s very refined. It’s not crazy, but it’s
  It’s funny, because Sean is on the East                                                  still heavy enough for metal. At the
  Coast, and here I have this other guy                                                    same time, I could play this for my
  right in my own backyard. But, yeah,                                                     mom’s friends and she’d be like, “Oh!”
  it became a really cool relationship                                                     (laughs).
  – Alex kicked ass on the Dragonlord
  record, and I was like, “Man, I want                                                   I was always curious, Eric, about that
  to work with this guy.” So, I’ve been                                                  period of Testament from say, 1994-
  working with Alex since about 2012.                                                    2000. That was a very strange time for
                                                                                         metal, but you guys soldiered through
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