Page 8 - RockRevoltMagazine-Fall2016
P. 8
How do you feel about fans with cellphones in the audience, How would you feel if one of the candidates used your music for
good or a bad thing? their campaign?
Honestly doesn’t bother me at all. Some bands get really upset Honestly I would love it, personally I wouldn’t care either one.
about it. The way that I view, the more phones that recording me Whether it was somebody I really supported or someone that I
the more of their friends that are hearing about me and seeing didn’t, it wouldn’t bother me at all. Some people get really worked
my pictures. You can’t put a price on social media excitement up about that. I feel it like hey it’s getting my music out there. No
and underground chatter. Skillet sold a lot of records basically matter if you hate Trump or you hate Hillary or hate everybody we’re
from the underground chatter. Our record Comatose, it’s our still America and we are going to have to come together at some
tenth year anniversary of that record today, we had zero radio point. Just because someone gets in that you don’t like and maybe
hits and that record just went platinum like two months ago. you hate some of the things they stand for we’re still standing for
It was very underground, My Space was really big when that America. So I personally don’t have any problems with that, much
record came out. All the kids were sharing it, getting ringtones. in the same way that I don’t really care if movies use my music, I
You can’t put a price on that. I don’t mind if people have their never turned down a movie or an NFL thing because I didn’t like
cellphones out if they’re having a good time. Tell your friends what it stands for. And a movie might be a little different, I’m not
about me man (laughing). saying I would never say no, I’m saying I have never said no. It
would have to be really extreme, like really hate driven film, racist
Have you ever ejected anyone from one of your shows? propaganda I wouldn’t allow that. But when it comes to elections
I personally have not but I have seen people ejected for jumping in things it’s good to be passionate about what you believe in but it’s
onstage or things like that. But I personally never kicked
anybody out of a show but I like the idea of that (laughing), YMOIUNE VMFIANEKCELIEBLEalso good to love other people and what they think.
I like the idea of trying. I’ve seen a very things recently,
somebody something onstage at me one time and I was really
nice about I said hey if you throw something onstage and hit
me you’re going to get kicked out and if you throw something
onstage and hit my wife you’re going to get hurt.