Page 7 - RockRevoltMagazine-Fall2016
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in demos. Sometimes that sound no so good, sometimes they sound kind of stuff. Everything is very regimented so we can keep
really good and he turned in this song that just sounded amazing and ur priorities straight. I the bands lost it when they got on the road
I thought why would you go re-record that (laughing). We already did and don’t make a plan, they don’t want to live like that. They end up
the hardwork, he’s already done it. It kind of grew really organically, sleeping until 2 in the afternoon and playing video games all night long
me meeting a couple people I really like, we wrote some songs, we did and that’s fine unless you have your kids on the road and you want to
some recording and I just didn’t expect it to be turned in so fully done. see them. That’s how we do it because I want to be a good dad before
In the end I’m a huge Churko fan so that was a really cool thing. It’s our I’m a good rockstar, keep to the plan and you’ll be fine.
first record we’ve ever done with multiple producers and to be honest I
wasn’t really a fan of that, I really didn’t want to do that. I think that rock You’ve been at this for at least 20 years, I’m curious with the music
albums are different than pop albums. Rock albums are supposed to industry, which is a little different from the 9-5 job, do you have your
have a thread running through them, it supposed to be this rollercoaster own retirement plans or medical insurance? How do you take care of
experience. Pop music is all about radio hits. So really didn’t want to those things that many of us might take for granted?
do that but the more I started listening I thought you know we could It’s funny, I’m kind of jumping into a little bit of another answer but
probably pull this off. When I listen to the record things don’t jump out people ask me all the time if I could go back 20 years and tell the young
at me but I will say for a Skillet record, between Stars and Out of Hell me what I would differently or advice for young people who want to be
those are pretty opposite spectrums. The key is you’ve got to make it in the music business. That advice would be you need realize it’s not just
feel like all of you and that’s a little bit of work and that we do more on art, it’s show business and the business is very, very important. Just look
my bands end. My wife is a really great keyboard programmer and I at Ozzy and Sharon Osbourne and Alice Cooper, those that realized a
think the way we do our programming, the loops, she has a lot of Trent long time ago that this is something they have to do properly. Or you
Reznor type of production. I think
that is kind of what makes Stars, hear those terrible stories of people
Undefeated and Out of Hell, kind who made millions and millions and
of brings all those songs together. lost their house, that’s unbelievable.
Again I little bit boring when it comes
You are currently on tour through to that, I’m smart about it. You’re
October, is there anything in the running a business, we pay our
works beyond that? Maybe hitting employees, we have some retirement
up Asia or Australia, what else do plans if people want to participate
you have cooking? in the short of thing. You run it like
First I’ve got to say we are really you would any other sort of business.
excited because we haven’t done A lot of bands do that these days but
a headlining tour of America, a some don’t and they end up
Skillet run that wasn’t a package not really having anything to show
tour, in like four years. We’re for it. Playing in a band is a
playing clubs and I’ve been little bit like being an athlete, if you’re
wanting to do this for so long. lucky you can do it forever but most
Skillet kind of got to that place people can’t. You know your band is
that we were a little too big to play going to last 10-15 years unless you’re
clubs and not really big enough lucky like Aerosmith or somebody
to do arenas and that’s where you like that. Skillet is very lucky, this
get into that hard territory, you is our twentieth year. Our story is a
know 3,000 people in a 6,000 cap little bit different because we didn’t
venue doesn’t look good and it have radio hits for the first twelve
doesn’t feel exciting. Selling out years. It was very underground, very
1,500 seats is awesome and people word of mouth based. I learned a
singing and I just can’t wait to do this. So we are doing the headlining long time ago if you want to keep this
tour here. Then we are going to Europe and Russia and doing our going You’ve got to get your head on straight.
headlining there at similar sized venues. We are going to be very, very
busy. Staying along the lines of touring, the terrible situation with the terrorist
attack in Paris at the Bataclan, did that impact your approach to shows
Speaking of busy back in 2011 Skillet was ranked as one of the top five and do you find yourself taking precautions now that maybe you didn’t
hardest working bands and it sounds like that is still the case today. before?
Touring so extensively and with your wife being a member of the band as You know I find myself worrying about it which I never did before.
well, how do you balance that with your family life? Asking my partners what should we be doing here, it’s such an unknown.
Yeah, you know that’s always a trick. It think what it comes down to, I ask myself, we just got back from Europe, do we really want to go to
it’s kind of a boring answer, but I tell people if you want to know what a Europe? Then someone will say it can happen anywhere. But you are
day in the life of Skillet is like it is, we are the boringness rockstars ever. certainly seeing it there a lot. So yeah I think lots of people including
Everything we do is so regimented and I think that’s been the key. I’ve ourselves are asking what we need to be doing to be a little more on top
got two kids, we do school on the road, I don’t teach them, we have a of things. We have made some precautions. You know one of the things
nanny that comes and my wife oversees the schooling. Every day the that is probably the most practical for me right now would be maybe the
kids wake up, they’ve got to have breakfast, they’ve got to get ready for fan interaction I would have personally, it’s probably changing a little bit.
their school. I’ve got to go in the venue at a certain time, there are so You most just want to meet you they just do some really dumb things
many things that I’ve got to get done in the day and my goal is, I like sometimes, they grab you and hug you because they are so happy. These
to exercise, got to keep in shape. I exercise, I do my interviews, I do days I’m kind of like hey none of that, don’t touch me (laughing), you
songwriting, I do demos and I’ve got to get it done by 3:30 because that’s just don’t know what’s happening. I think that fans need to realize that
when the kids stop school. Then I get to hang out with my kids and my to that it is a different world. You’ve got to kind of watch what you do
wife for a couple of hours until VIP meet and greet, radio and all that these days, things are changing quickly.