Page 33 - RockRevoltMagazine-Fall2016
P. 33

been a fan of for years was just –                   rock music in general. And we always
Ben: I really had to talk him into it. He            support that.
really wasn’t interested at first, but I         So, rock’s not dead?
sprinkled some sugar on it… (laughs).                Ben & Keith: NO way, No way.

    Keith: (laughs) whatever. That was just          Ben: Rock’s always been the kid in the
    my poker face. I couldn’t be like, “YES          corner. Rock’s always been the kid at
    YES YES YES!!” And it has been great             the back of the classroom, and rock will
    because the fans have just welcomed us           make this headway when something
    all in with open arms, amazingly. The            happens like Nirvana or Korn, or some
    support from them has been incredible.           other genre-defining moment like that. It
                                                     will stand out in the front then because it
    Ben: And that’s the coolest thing about          is something so undeniably awesome that
    the whole thing, regardless of who is            happens, but then it goes back to the back
    writing what or all of the questions that        of the class where it belongs. So, people
    you ask. Really, at the end of the day, the      think that because it was so prominent
    most amazing part of this whole process          for a time, and then it goes back to being
    has been the fans and just how awesome           the underdog again that it has somehow
    they are. And how they’ve welcomed               gone away. But, it will never go away.
    these guys, and welcomed our album,
    and welcomed our video. And all of that.     Absolutely, I could not agree more. So,
    It’s really, really incredible to have been  in light of the tragedies in Paris at the
    gone so long and have the fans pick up       Bataclan, the terrorist attacks there, did
    right where we left off, and have even       that change the way you guys tour? Do
    more fans since then. So, it’s been really   you take more precautions? I mean, I am
    justifying what we’re trying to do as a      sure that raised some awareness.
                                                     Keith: Definitely. Something like that
You guys to have some diehard fans. I was            changes the way you live your life in
at the Gilford, NH, show, and I was trying           general, whether you are on tour or just
to walk through. You guys came on stage,             anywhere in public. It’s a scary thing. But,
and I almost got trampled. (laughs)                  I mean we still want to get out there and
                                                     play to as many people as we can. We
    Ben & Keith: (laughs)                            want to make sure everybody feel safe,
                                                     the fans and everybody. So, as long as the
    Ben: Yeah, they’re awesome. And they’re          good steps are taken to make sure of that,
    really, really, really passionate not            then that’s the best we can do.
    only about what we do, but also about

                                                 That makes sense. Now, with the                   Gotcha. Influences. What got you to
                                                 Presidential campaigns in the US right            start playing music?
                                                 now, obviously a lot of the campaigns
                                                 use music. So, if one of the candidates               Keith: I started playing guitar by
                                                 started playing one of your songs                     listening to Metallica. That was my
                                                 because they thought it fit well, would               band that got me started. Alice in
                                                 you be like, “No, sorry”… or “Exposure                Chains, Metallica, all of that.
                                                 is good, so go ahead.”?                               Ben: Nirvana. 100% Nirvana. If it
                                                                                                       wasn’t for that band, I wouldn’t be a
                                                     Ben: Well, we’re definitely not the               musician at all. And then, after them,
                                                     kind of band that would do something              I went back and listened to Metallica
                                                     just for exposure. I probably would               and Tool. But Nirvana opened the
                                                     not be for it in the sense that we                door for me to be a singer that plays
                                                     don’t really care to be attached to any           guitar, and a songwriter and all that.
                                                     sort of political thing because I feel,
                                                     personally, that music should be an           Sure. So, what’s life like when you’re not
                                                     escape from those kinds of things. If         on tour? What do you guys like to do
                                                     there are bands that want to be political     when you’re not on the bus?
                                                     and make it a part of what their about,
                                                     that’s fine and cool because that’s their         Ben & Keith: We like to eat and relax.
                                                     thing. But, it’s not our thing. Our thing         (laughs) 
                                                     is to relate to people on an emotional
                                                     level, not a political view. And I don’t
                                                     think our music has anything to do
                                                     with any of that, so even if it did relate
                                                     or they liked it, I probably wouldn’t
                                                     really care for it because I don’t want
                                                     to take it to a place it doesn’t need to be
                                                     just for recognition.

Concert Photography by Derek Koepke
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