Page 28 - RockRevoltMagazine-Fall2016
P. 28

everything is at the touch of a button, on either         substance is in lyrics right now.                         and had been playing shows for a long time, and
    a smartphone or on a laptop. So, we’re proud                                                                        signing that major record deal, we went from
    of this album, and we can’t wait for everyone         Right, you’ll see fifteen people credited with                selling out the tri-state area around Louisville to
    to hear it.                                           writing a song that has seven original words…                 playing in front of thirty-five thousand people at
                                                                                                                        Ozzfest, and now everybody has made changes
Well, you guys come out hard to start this album              Right! You need a whole team of people that has           in their lives. Everybody is older; everybody
with “Fed Up”. I can tell you guys are amped up               maybe three lines that differ from each other,            is more mature. Most of us have families to
about this album. It almost felt like a tale of two           and it goes diamond in month. It’s a really big           support, kids and priorities are in a different
albums, really. You guys have this hard, in-your-             reach – I hate to go back this far, but I will – but      spot. Not as far as music is concerned, but as far
face style, and then on the backside of the album             when you think about the substance of music,              as life in general is concerned. So, we handle a
was more of the emotional parts, almost ballad                back in the 60s, mid to late 60s, there was a lot of      lot more things in house now. We’re not paying
style, emotional songs on that side. It really was            revolt against the Vietnam War, and you know,             for people to do jobs that we can do ourselves,
like a tale of two albums for me; it was great, like          society was at a weird tipping point at that time.        and we’re not coming home in debt because we
reading a book.                                               If you read the differences in the lyrics, if you         have a huge crew and two tour buses. It’s much
                                                              go back that far to today, it almost makes your           more in house and consolidated. We’re almost
    Oh, wow, I appreciate that, man. Music,                   heart hurt. It’s just… I don’t know what else to          having more fun now because we can enjoy it
    melody, and lyrics for me are used, for me, like          say about it.                                             more now.
    telling a story. I feel like substance in music is
    a dying art, with all of the stuff that you have      Well, it’s mind-boggling, and you summed it up            I hear that a lot from a lot of the guys who have
    regurgitated in other genres, especially in the       with that. You guys are about to hit the road and         been doing this for a while, as many years as you
    pop world. It’s kind of a shame, but we also          head out there with Dope to tour and support              have. At the start, it was a whirlwind and a crazy
    feel like it is our responsibility to keep a form     this album.                                               rockstar lifestyle, and you guys are able to come
    of integrity in music where there is actual                                                                     back and do it all again today. Everybody who
    substance, emotion, and meaning behind the                Yeah, we’re really excited about that. We have        does it that way seems to appreciate it more now,
    lyrics. You know, people are able to listen to            some dates in August we’re doing. We are              even though they’re working harder and doing
    it and relate to it in some way and take away             playing a CD release show in Louisville at a          more of it now hands on, they love it more today.
    their own interpretation of the lyrics. There is          venue called Diamonds on August 19th, then
    too much music out there where the lyrics have            we’re in Clarksville, TN, on August 20th at The           Yeah, it’s a different level. It’s not that we
    no substance, and unfortunately, the younger              Warehouse for a military appreciation show.               appreciate it more or that we didn’t appreciate
    generation is being force fed some of this music          We have some dates in August, and then from               it then. This is a really tough industry to make
    where there is no point, no high caliber to the           the second week of October all the way through            it in. I don’t remember exactly what the stats
    meaning of the song. And we feel that is one of           the end of November, we are out with Dope and             are, but it’s rare to get a record deal and have
    the things that is most important to us, and we           Motograter. And that starts in California and             a successful career with it. Back in the day,
    hope that comes across in the songs.                      works all the way to the East Coast and then              it was great, and the fact that we get another
                                                              back to the West Coast. We are really looking             chance is even more, shows us even more to
You said it all the way; I agree wholeheartedly.              forward to that, too, because back in the day,            take this seriously and give it 110%. And we’re
A lot of the music out there today has no                     when we first got signed and there was the                extremely grateful and humbled to even have
substance; it’s become nothing. I know as a fan               “NUmetal explosion”, we did a lot of tours with           this opportunity.
and consumer, I appreciate the hell out of it when            Sevendust, Cold, and Dope, American Head
an artist or band has that meaning there, that                Charge, you know. Mushroomhead. Ozzfest               Absolutely. What’s a message for your fans before
emotion. For bands that appreciate that like you              2002. It will almost be an old reunion for us         we let you get on your way?
do, I applaud you because there will be people                because we haven’t toured with the Dope guys
out there that love this album because of that.               since the early 2000’s. We’re looking forward to          Basically, we appreciate the many years of
                                                              it.                                                       support, and we can’t wait for everybody to
    Well, I definitely hope so. We’re in a strange time                                                                 hear this record in stores on August 19th,
    with new music that’s coming out now. A song          I remember those days fondly and remember the                 and available for digital download and on
    can sell ten million copies, from one song on a       shows fondly.                                        We can’t wait
    record, and when you read the lyrics, there is no                                                                   to see you all out on the road when we come
    substance. It’s all, “Baby this” or “Baby that”, or,      It’s going to be a lot of fun. We can’t wait.             out to your town, and thank you for all the
    you know, I can’t begin to get into it because it         Everybody is in such a different place in our             support. 
    makes my head spin to think how little actual             lives. When we got signed, everything happened
                                                              relatively fast. We had been a band for a while
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