Page 35 - RockRevoltMagazine-Fall2016
P. 35

(Je ): I think all of us have matured. Even               ri , we had the whole song layered out. Je                music videos. Ian Combs, like Jon mentioned
    with the last record, we were excited with the            had this idea of a guy facing a life sentence             who produced the album, you know guys that
    things that were going on. We were all giving             metaphorically or literally, and I was like,              have taken our pictures. We did it all with
    each other shit all the time. We have a great             “Man, I don’t know if I feel that.” When I heard          people that we knew and trust, and they gave
    sense of humor, but a lot of the last album               those rst lyrics, I was like, “I get it; this ts the      us their all. Adam did some lyric videos; I
    was a little more tongue and cheek, a little              song really well.” It was a shocker to me.                mean, people didn’t put little things together
    more fun, maybe a little more upbeat. e                                                                             for us because it was their job. ey did it
    messages, though, were maybe similar in                   (Riplee) Awww … shocker. I see what you did               because they believe in us because they know
    some aspect, but now I am a dad and I have                there .                                                   we have some great things going on, and it has
    responsibilities; Riplee has the same ones. Jon,                                                                    just been a game changer for us.
    he has no responsibilities - no he has some               e song “Vultures” is one that made me stop
    responsibilities - and I just think we have all       in my tracks when I heard it. Frankly, this world             (Riplee) I think we have also had a lot of, just
    really matured. In this album, the stories we         is fucked, and you guys captured that in this                 an unusual amount of support from other
    tell are real, and it is like Riplee said, it is not  song. Where did this idea come from?                          bands that we have toured with in the past,
                                                                                                                        even bands that we have just played one show
    easy, and we all go                                       (Je ): I had this idea, like you said, we are living      with. Letting this guy here, or this girl here,
    through some shit. I think that is what we                in a world where there are a lot of scary things          hear some of the stu we have been working
    wanted to capture. We were like, “Let’s write             that go on. I feel like everything is just built on       on and have had just nothing but awesome
    something heavy and edgy with the emotion                 negativity and trying to nd the downside of               things to say about the music. I don’t know
    that we actually really feel.” ere is no faking           everything that is out there. Consequently, we            about the rest of the guys, but that was so
    it anymore that everything is all right and that          have horri c acts out there happening from                encouraging to me. To keep charging down
    it is super fun all the time. It is hard and if you       law enforcement to terrorism to you name                  that path like, look at all these other bands!!
    want to keep going up like we do, you push                it; there are a lot of shitty things going on. I          Some of them are doing way better than we
    yourself as hard as you can, and you hope for             started thinking about how I am trying to                 are, and they are like, “You guys need to keep
    the best outcome. at is what we really want               raise a kid in this, and there is nobody to look          doing this.”
    to do.                                                    up to. ere is nobody you can say, “Wow; I
 Lyrical content is something that is missing                 want them to be like this person.” Look at who            (Jon) As far as a mentor in the music business,
in a lot of music today. For you guys to put the              is running for President now; you can’t say you           just the other day in Detroit, Rick from
emotions out there is something that is kind of               could be President someday. It’s just like, oh            Adelita’s Way, and I am not saying this because
lost with music now. I think the fans will really             wait nevermind; it is just not worth it. ere              he is right over there, but he is a genius when
connect with this album                                       are so many events that happened, and the                 it comes to music and the industry. He was all
    (Jon): To kind of go o of that, the rst single,           way we wrote the song is really cool. We had              like, “Hey do this, do this and this, and watch
    “Electric Chair”, when we rst had the guitar              no ideas, and Jon did a little ri in the studio.          out for this,” you know. He, for example, was
                                                              I was like, “Hey let’s go right now”, and we sat          a good one, and I have a lot of other good
                                                                                                                        friends that are in some good bands that
                                                                   down and wrote that song in 30 minutes.              have been mentoring me more. I am good
                                                                        Lyrics, melody, everything: it was just         friends with Brad Stewart in Saliva; he is such
                                                                        like, boom. It happened right away;             a good dude. He was an original member of
                                                                       I was like, “ is is the song I have              Shinedown; he told me to watch out for this
                                                                                                                        or that. Ultimately, if you are out doing what
                                                                      been wanting to right forever”, and               you do and love traveling every night, even if
                                                                      Jon was like, “I just had this idea,” and         you have a family or you don’t, you know, why
                                                                     it just took o from there. We wanted               stop? If you have something rolling, why stop?
                                                                     to leak it because there have been so              At this point, you could be or are your own
                                                                    many tragic events. People need to hear             worst enemy or own worst critic, which could
                                                                    this song; people need to understand                be the worst thing you could do.
                                                                   that there is a way we feel that we want
                                                                  people to relate to. ey get to hear it                e fans are very important in today’s music
                                                                  now, and unfortunately, there is always           scene, and you guys show your appreciation by
                                                                 plenty of bullshit in this world to deal with.     taking time with every one of them.
                                                                 Hopefully, that song will help some people
                                                                through some tough times                                (Je ): Our fansm as you knowm made
                                                                                                                        this album happen. We wanted to prove to
                                                          You guy said earlier that it is a tough life out              everybody else that we knew what we had in a
                                                          here on the road. What or who helps you get by                fan basem and we knew what we’re going to do
                                                          and makes it possible for us to see you all every             as artists. We were kind of pushing ourselves.
                                                          night?                                                        So we took a chance and said, “We are going
                                                                                                                        to base it on this and see what happens.” Man,
                                                              (Je ): I think a big focus we did on this album           the fans that we have and the support that
                                                              in general was really focusing on people that             we have gotten – man, you have seen it - it is
                                                              believe in the band above all. It was not                 everywhere. It is taking o , and we could have
                                                              working with the big named producer; it                   never imagined because of the word of mouth
                                                              was not going to the big named record label               and the relationship we have that we did not
                                                              or agency. It was people that have been like,             want to lose while recording this album.
                                                              “I have been a big fan of you guys for a long
                                                              time” or we have had relationships for a couple
                                                              of years; it just made sense. ey really care
                                                              about our success, and from our prospective,
                                                              we did not just want to go where that e ort
                                                              was not going to be put in. is all came from
                                                              the label that we have, to the booking agency,
                                                              to Minneapolis friends that have shot our
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