Page 26 - RockRevoltMagazine-Fall2016
P. 26
FLAWBy Ace Sims
RockRevolt Magazine recently spoke with How are you doing, bud? turmoil for a while because everybody
Chris Voltz in regards to the release of Flaw’s I’m doing great; how are you? was downloading music without buying
new album Divided We Fall, which released on it, record labels were losing millions of
August 19th, 2016, and their upcoming tour with I’m doing all right. First off, it’s been twenty dollars due to that. A lot of them basically froze
Dope. years since you’ve been doing this Flaw thing, up their assets. CFOs would say, “Hey freeze
correct? everything because we’re losing millions, and
Divided We Fall is Flaw’s 4th studio release we don’t know what to do; we can’t figure it
since the band’s inception in 1996. Oh boy, yeah. Jay and I got together in 1996, so out.” So, there was that whole clusterbomb,
RockRevolt Magazine also had the honor of yeah it’s been twenty years. if you want to say. But, like I said, there are
getting an advanced copy and hearing the album pros and cons. Once the industry and bands
before its release. How does that feel? It’s been a long time… learned how to embrace it and use the internet
Dude, it really has. A lot has happened over for marketing and outreach and sales revenue,
Divided We Fall reads like a tale of two the years. The industry has changed in a lot everything started to get back to normal.
different halves. The album starts out hard of ways, but I wouldn’t trade it for the world. Now, it is an invaluable tool. Back in the day,
and gritty and right in your face. The first track, When Jay and I started writing together, when we first started, the only way you could
“Fed Up”, is an attempt to bring light to the issue everything just clicked so smoothly, and the advertise a show or concert was to basically
of combat vets who are committing suicide. The chemistry was there as far as the songwriting, hound the local radio station and see if they
hard hitting vibe of the record does not stop there. so it’s been one Hell of a ride, man, to say the could give you a couple plugs, walk around
Song after song, Chris Volts hammers through least. neighborhoods and hang flyers in busy parts
vocals track by track. Around track six, “Wipe of town….it was really, really involved. I hit the
Away The Dust”, the mood starts to change, Right. One thing I wanted to ask you – as streets in a grassroots type of advertising. And,
and the album starts to transform into a more somebody who has been through the industry with social media now, you can hop onto four
subdued yet powerful version. While the first half changes – all of the newer bands come out in a or five websites and advertise in every city in
hammers home the message they are trying to get completely different era than you guys started America without leaving the comfort of your
across, the second half takes a softer approach to in. Do you see the pros and cons? Which era do own desk. So, there are positives and negatives.
delivering that message. This is a great return for you prefer – back when you started or the way it I don’t know if I would necessarily change
Flaw, and I highly recommend adding Divided We is set up now? anything; we’ve learned how to embrace the
Fall to your collection. And now, the interview internet. The industry has learned how to
with Chris about life in the industry, the changes Wow, that’s a really tough question to answer. embrace the internet, so we feel it is necessary
in his own life, and all things Divided We Fall. There are positives and negatives, ya know, to
both sides of it. When we first got signed, it was
right at the beginning of the whole internet
explosion. And that threw the industry into