Ashes at Dawn may be just now releasing their debut single “Monster”, but this Toronto outfit aren’t novices. The multi-generational quartet are reintroducing a dark, almost grunge sound, with some early Tom Petty, mixed in all the best ways possible. The horror themed video is slow going, and really leaves you wondering exactly what you’re watching, but once the band kicks in, everything comes together; Rich Misener (Cut Cartel), tells a story that maybe isn’t wholly decipherable, but gives viewers a requisite dose unease. Is actress Brittany Scott the monster, is it lead singer Scott McQuade? You be the judge.
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Ashes at Dawn is a new band formed in the spring of 2012 with the idea from day one being rock, and variety in the people who play it. Each member brings a unique flair from culture, to musical education and influence, and most importantly, bridging the generation gap between the youth of today and the wisdom of the past. The very core of their music is grooving bass, provided by Rian Cunningham, crushing drums by Gordon D’Souza