Stapp pic

With over 30 million records sold between Creed and his solo work, you would think Scott Stapp was on top of the world, and for a period of time he was. Through all this success, he struggled, like many musicians do, with addiction, which would eventually lead to Creed’s long hiatus around the turn of the century.  He would continue with the release of two solo albums, 2005’s The Great Divide, and 2013’s Proof of Life.  During this stretch, Creed would reconvene to release their fourth studio album, Full Circle in 2009.  Through all this, Stapp’s struggles didn’t wane, and in 2014, his erratic behavior would become very public with claims he was homeless and in financial ruin.  It was later revealed that Scott suffers from bipolar disorder.  Now armed with answers, the continuing support of his family, and a strong creative desire, Scott Stapp is poised to reclaim his position as one of rock’s great frontmen.  We had the opportunity to talk about his current solo tour, where things stand with Creed, and how he came to land as Art of Anarchy’s lead vocalist.

So, you’re currently on tour; how are things going?

Things are going good. Really excited about the turnout.  We are playing to some sold-out crowds; the fans are really responding to the show.  The band’s tight.  It’s a good time.

On this tour you played South Africa for the first time; how was that experience?

It was amazing. The country is beautiful; of course, we got to do some of the tourist stuff and go on safari – that was fun.  The venues we played at were beautiful landscapes outside, and we really got to eat up the beauty of the countryside.  It was really cool.

Tell us about your backing band.

We’ve got a great group of guys from various parts of the country, mostly Nashville. Our lead guitar player is from Greece.  They are really a great group of guys, very passionate about the music and about their performance.  We are really gelling well as a band right now.

How did you find them?

This is a group we auditioned, interviewed, and went through an extensive process to put it together. It wasn’t something done by anyone else, just me.  Actually my wife, Jackie, is who discovered Yiannis, our lead guitar player, so I’ve got to give credit to her for that.

You’ve put out a couple solo records, with the latest being Proof of Life; can you take us through the creative process of doing a solo record and how that differs from a band environment?

One thing for me is that I enjoy writing with various artists. When I begin a solo record, instead of writing with just one person, as I would do in Creed, I get the opportunity to work with various artists and collaborate, and that’s always fun for me.  Everyone has different strengths and new ideas that they bring to the table.  So, that’s really the main difference between a solo record and a Creed record.

Any new solo material in the works right now?

I’m always writing; there are always songs in the works. In October, I have a new record coming out with a new project I’ve been working on with a band called Art of Anarchy.  That will be a full length album that comes out in October.  And I’m just continuing to write for my next solo record; we’ll get that going as well.

You got one step ahead of me as I was going to ask about Art of Anarchy. Great group of musicians you’re working with, how did that come together?

Well they approached me looking for a singer, and they came to Florida; we had dinner and just spoke about our different thoughts about music. We continued communication over time, got together and had some writing sessions, and everything kind of kept moving forward from there.

At the time they got together with you, did they already have their second album laid out, or were you involved with the creative process?

I was involved in that process. They had some ideas musically prior to me, but I definitely had some input.  Mainly my focus was lyrics, vocal melodies, and song structures.

Where do things stand with Creed?

Who knows what the future holds? We’ll see; never say never.

Creed recently released a retrospective record.

It was released last year. It had songs from the vault, acoustic versions, all our hits, and things we’ve done over the years.  Our last full length new album was in 2009.

From what I understand you have new music written; is that correct?

We did get together and begin writing another record a few years ago. There are ideas and songs laying around.  When the time is right, and we decide to get back together, we can pick up and continue to work on them.

You were recently on VH1’s Couples Therapy; can you take us through that experience and ultimately was it a good experience or not so good?

It was a good experience. It was very challenging, and it was as real as it gets.  My wife and I went through that journey together and really relied upon each other.  We thought it was a good idea to do; a couple years ago, I had some personal issues that became very public, and we thought it would be a great way for us to share our story and get the same kind of national coverage sharing our story that the struggle got.  We feel that, in the end, we made a good decision and it was a positive experience.

I think it gives hope to other people out there going through the same struggles.

Yeah man, definitely.

What are you up to when you’re off tour?

Just spending a lot of time with my wife and kids. Doing the dad and husband thing.  That’s where I spend all my free time when I’m not on tour.  Just being a dad and doing family things; I love it.

You a sports fan?

Oh yeah I watch sports, too.

Thanks for taking the time to speak with us today, and good luck with everything.

Yeah, man, thanks.

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