“The Touring Vegan” Author Jon Siren Interview

Photo by Twink Photography/Gretchen Lanham

Jon Siren is a Los Angeles drummer extraordinaire- having played for incredible musical acts such as IAMX, Front Line Assembly, Mankind Is Obsolete, Early Man, and many more. With his impressive musical repertoire, Jon’s talent, skill, and drive is evident in every project he undertakes. It’s easy to focus on all of the musical accomplishments and glance over the rest of what makes Jon who he is, but one facet of his character is hard to ignore: his vegan lifestyle. Rooted deeply in compassion and optimal well-being, Jon’s vegan lifestyle proves to be an exemplary example for those wondering about its long-term results.

As of this year, the most unique endeavor to add to the man’s resume’ is that of being an author. Jon recently released an e-book entitled “The Touring Vegan”, which tells his personal life story intermingled with plenty of advice, knowledge, and facts about one of the most misunderstood life choices. The book covers everything you’d want to know on the topic, from how to eat vegan while touring to what you can do at home to be nicer to your body, and never misses a beat in expressing Jon’s personal story of how he became the person he is today.

Senior journalist Anabel DFlux caught up with Jon on a warm California day at a loft in Downtown Los Angeles, a cultural hotspot for creatives. The two proceeded to have a lovely conversation encompassing all of the riveting topics you’d want to know about the book and the touring vegan himself.


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You can purchase “The Touring Vegan” HERE 

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