ZARDONIC Unleashes Full Aural Assault with “Antihero”!

Metal EDM Producer Zardonic  has officially created one of the best Industrial-style records of the year. Antihero, out now on Entertainment One Music, is akin to putting on a Ministry record, but the sound is a lighter version of Ministry; not to say that it is a “light” record because it is rather heavy to say the least, just not as heavy as Ministry. There is not one time this album relents, as it is a complete aural assault.

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The album intro builds into a crescendo before the music drops and goes off on you. The fact that Zardonic does this all without a live band is fascinating and amazing. The realization of that after listening to this album makes me want to go back and listen again and figure out how it has such a human touch feel to it. There is no reason that should be there and yet it is.


Not one track stands out as they are all great and the blending of them as the album rolls on makes it even better. The DJ part of Zardonic, to me, is why the music blends so gracefully and gets you going. He clearly remembers how to work a crowd and brings that to this record. Again, not one song is bad but to pick out a standout would not do this record justice.

I highly recommend this record for EDM as well as Industrial fans. There is absolutely no reason this record should not be a chart topper.  Here is to a natural growth of a DJ that respects instruments and uses them in a way that makes it feel like a live band recorded it. I cannot wait to see what happens when this album hits the masses.

Download Antihero on iTunes

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Review By Avery Salamon

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