Page 37 - RockRevoltMagazine-Summer2019
P. 37


                                                                                                   by Ted Darden
                   .A. Rock group Stitched Up Heart has been on a steady climb in the music community this
                   decade. With a successful full-length album, and a series of EPs, multiple spots on the Alternative
                   Rock chart’s top twenty, collaborations with artists like Godsmack’s Sully Erna, Stitched Up Heart
                   is a band to take notice of. I had a chance to discuss The L.A. Music scene, touring, and the bands
        Lupcoming album with front woman, Alecia ‘Mixi’ Demner.

        Can you tell me about the            Your family actually, they               after I moved out here. I just
        early days of Stitched Up            supported you doing music?               knew that if I  wanted to be
        Heart, how the band started,             Yeah, yeah. I mean this isn't...     in  the industry, I needed to
        and maybe some of the music              they're actually...this isn't the    people where the people were,
        you were doing before the                kind of music that they listen       so that's why Los Angeles,
        band?                                    to, but lately they've been
            Yeah,  well I was in  a lot of       listening  to a lot of similar
            bands growing up and I did a         bands, because they're kind           I think it's very helpful being
            lot of acoustic, solo stuff for a    of intrigued  by the genre,          out here. Anybody  in any
            while, and when I moved out          because it's all new music to        bands that we know across the
            to LA, I was in an all-girl band     them, you know. The rock             country that are in Minnesota
            for a little bit. And then I filled   community is all new, and so        or Wisconsin, we're just  like,
            in for people  playing  rhythm       my dad is asking  me  about          "You need to come to Los
            guitar,   keyboard,    backing       certain bands. He's listening to     Angeles" because this is where
            vocals. Sometimes I  would           Octane and all that stuff, and       the industry  is,  and more
            just be the rhythm guitar, you       it's really cute.                    people  are going  to see your
            know, just little gigs here and                                           talent,  I feel  like,  that  are
            there. And then somehow, after                                            involved in music.
            a tour had ended, I signed up
            to be on some show, on some
            television  show for singers.                                         Who were some of your
            Chris Jericho was actually the                                        influences starting out? Name
            host of it. I don't know if you                                       some of the bands you played
            want all of those background                                          with in L.A.
            details, but-                                                             Oh yeah. Influences, I guess
                                                                                      my dad listened to oldies like
                                                                                      the Beatles and stuff like that.
        Oh no that's fine.
                                                                                      And my mom and I have totally
 STITCHED   then I was signed with Geffen        You know, I knew that, when I        like a country girl. But, I think,
            But, yeah, I won the show and
                                                                                      different taste in  music. She's
            for  like one song, and then  What was being in the band
                                                                                      I really feel like Gwen Stefani
                                                                                      had  a huge  impact without
            they let me go after that song,  like in Los Angeles? I'm sure it
            and I was kind of hesitant on  has a lot of opportunity, but a
                                                                                      even knowing it, because she
                                                                                      was one of the few female rock
            pursuing music because it was  lot of competition.
                                                                                      singers. I guess rock at the time
            really difficult. And I remember
 UP         going back home and talking          was in Florida, before I moved       was kind of like a ska thing.
            to my parents and being like, "I
                                                 out to LA, I would play open
                                                                                      And amongst all of the guy
            just don't know if I can do this,
                                                                                      bands that there were, there
                                                 mic nights three nights a week
                                                                                      were very few women that
                                                 and I knew after like a year
            it's really hard." And they were
            like, "You have to finish what
                                                                                      were leading the pack of  the
                                                 of doing  that, that  there was
            you started. Go back out there
                                                 nobody  coming  out to see
                                                                                      bands back then when I was
 HEART      and  do what you  set out to         any of the artists, either me        growing up, and I think that it
                                                 or anybody else. There was
                                                                                      subconsciously actually really
            do." And so then I put Stitched
                                                                                      inspired me  and influenced
                                                 never any industry out and I
            Up Heart together, I stitched
                                                                                      me. Otherwise, you know,
                                                 knew that I  had to be where
            up my heart,  picked myself
            back up again and formed the
                                                                                      Bob Marley, I don't think that
                                                 the industry was.  So that's
                                                                                      any of his music has translated
                                                 why I packed my car up and
            band in 2010.
                                                                                      into the music  that I  make...
                                                 moved across the country. I
                                                 was homeless for a good year
                                                                                               37 //  RockRevolt Magazine
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