Page 23 - RockRevoltMagazine-Summer2019
P. 23
that happened during a warm-up been fun when we were teenagers
round on the track. It happens. but c’mon, you can’t even try to
write something serious about it
It does and then it just changed without provoking people.
your path forever.
Yeah, it did. I mean I would like Somebody is going to be always
to say that it was meant to be, provoked. Triggered.
but at the same time where I’d So there’s absolutely no need to
be. It was just a path that was set try to provoke anyone. People are
for me and I just followed it you easily provoked by themselves.
This is very very true. So you
Right. You know, sometimes life do a lot of producing. Do you
just gives you a bigger wakeup consider yourself a producer
call than others to change what over an artist or both? Where
you should be doing to put you do you feel your talents are best
on the right path. I was doing honed?
some research for this interview. The producer part is kind of just
I read that you took a lot of flak like, something -- the producer
for the video of “Throat Full of part is kind of like riding a bike
Glass”. Do you feel that this and riding a bicycle. You just
was because of the times in the know how to do it and you do
political climate and would you it well. You just can’t explain to
have gone in a different direction anyone how you do it, why you
based on political climate? do it, you just know how to do
Well, it’s such a double-sided it. Like the art part is like when
knife or whatever you call it. you start doing tricks with a bike
Because in one way, I would say you know. Just the two sides of it
it like hey, if people are offended in the studio, I said and I always
by this, I wouldn’t want to do consider it that I’m working
that again because I’m not out somewhat as an art form and
to offend anybody. But people I’m being an artist. And I also
are offended by everything. My feel like there’s a big difference
intentions were never the ones between being a musician and
that people gave me flak about. being an artist. A musician can
It was like they were like, “you’re play anything, but not necessarily
sexist” or “a woman hater” or write anything. And I always
whatever it was. It wasn’t like that consider myself as an artist where
at all. We just made like a 70’s I create things close to my soul
grindhouse movie kind of thing and if it sounds right for what it
and we just didn’t think of it. We is, that’s the production part, but
just thought it was fun. It was it’s also a little bit part of the art of
cheesy, it was dumb and it was course. But it doesn’t have to be
funny. It was supposed to be that perfect. Sometimes, something
way. We had a female producer. rough and edgy is perfect for the
One of girls in the scene that song.
people talked about directed the
scene and to us it was never an Right. Sometimes it breathes life
intentional thing, because we into it that it wouldn’t have had
were working with all these girls otherwise.
that were making the video. It’s Yes. So the production for me
just one of those things that when and producer for me is second
people look back at it, they go, handed, but it’s like I said, you
“Oh this was horrible!” And I go, don’t really think of it. You’re
“Oh man, I’m sorry you look at it already on the bike, you’re just
that way.” It was obviously never riding the bike and you already
our intention. I wouldn’t repeat it know what you’re doing so I
on purpose just to piss people off. never really put in thought into
I’m not doing things on purpose the production. I always put
to provoke people. It might have everything into the art itself.
23 // RockRevolt Magazine