Page 14 - Issue12
P. 14
hawthorne heights by Alice roques
Straight from the Hey JT. How’s it going? that hit most major markets, and then
Midwest, Hawthorne Pretty good. How are you doing? in the Spring we did it for Europe and
Heights is a leader I’m doing perfect. Let’s get right into it! the UK. This Spring we are hitting the
remaining markets that we did not get
of what only can be I read that you all joined Motion City to make it to, which are six or seven, and
described as post- Soundtrack supporting the Ohio and then we are taking it to Canada because
hardcore. Ever evolving Michigan dates of the Commit This To we didn’t get to that last year. We’re
and pushing every limit Memory tour. How was that? really excited about it!
known, these guys are It was great! It was a three-day weekend.
about to set off onto What they did was ask bands that they And you will be working on dates for the
are friends with to join them on a few Stripped Down To The Bone all acoustic
their Stripped Down To dates of their 10-year anniversary tour, set?
The Bone all acoustic that they had history with. It was a lot Yes. We do that all throughout mid-
west coast trek. We stole of fun. We like hanging out with those March through mid-April. It’s about
a moment with JT, (lead guys in general. That’s one of our favorite 30 days - a lot of that is West Coast and
vocals/rhythm guitar), records, and it’s a record that meant a lot Southwest.
to us growing up in the scene. It was a
and discovered a thing blast! It was an absolute pleasure! What made you decide to strip it all
or two about what makes down?
him tic musically. I also read that you are headlining a This will be the third time doing it,
string of East Coast and southern dates but we haven’t done it on three or four
to celebrate The Silence In Black &
years. We’ve never done it out West
White album. either. It’s really fun, especially for the
We did an entire tour for that in the Fall fans because they don’t get to hear the
Straight from the Hey JT. How’s it going? that hit most major markets, and then
Midwest, Hawthorne Pretty good. How are you doing? in the Spring we did it for Europe and
Heights is a leader I’m doing perfect. Let’s get right into it! the UK. This Spring we are hitting the
remaining markets that we did not get
of what only can be I read that you all joined Motion City to make it to, which are six or seven, and
described as post- Soundtrack supporting the Ohio and then we are taking it to Canada because
hardcore. Ever evolving Michigan dates of the Commit This To we didn’t get to that last year. We’re
and pushing every limit Memory tour. How was that? really excited about it!
known, these guys are It was great! It was a three-day weekend.
about to set off onto What they did was ask bands that they And you will be working on dates for the
are friends with to join them on a few Stripped Down To The Bone all acoustic
their Stripped Down To dates of their 10-year anniversary tour, set?
The Bone all acoustic that they had history with. It was a lot Yes. We do that all throughout mid-
west coast trek. We stole of fun. We like hanging out with those March through mid-April. It’s about
a moment with JT, (lead guys in general. That’s one of our favorite 30 days - a lot of that is West Coast and
vocals/rhythm guitar), records, and it’s a record that meant a lot Southwest.
to us growing up in the scene. It was a
and discovered a thing blast! It was an absolute pleasure! What made you decide to strip it all
or two about what makes down?
him tic musically. I also read that you are headlining a This will be the third time doing it,
string of East Coast and southern dates but we haven’t done it on three or four
to celebrate The Silence In Black &
years. We’ve never done it out West
White album. either. It’s really fun, especially for the
We did an entire tour for that in the Fall fans because they don’t get to hear the