Page 13 - Issue12
P. 13
We know the title of the EP and there You guys are out on the Snocore Tour industry cause the personnel changes
are five songs on it, but can you tell right now with Flyleaf, who also did in the band throughout the years or
do you see yourself as someone who
us a little more about it? Did you self a Pledgemusic campaign with their
produce or who did you work with this latest release. How have those shows is tough to work with and maybe they
time around? been for you? don’t need the standards that you set
We went back to our roots man and The tour has been killer, the shows for the band?
we went to the first studio that we ever have been killer, they’ve been packed I think it’s a mixture of both things.
did music in with our first self-titled and I’ve been very impressed with The business has changed and it’s really
record that Johnny K produced. On our fan base that’s been coming out. challenging to be out here and away
this one, we went back and we worked We feel the resistance and we feel from your families. Everyone wants to
with one of Johnny’s prodigies and a like we’re building an army of people be in tour buses and making tons of
guy who really does a great job getting who are resisting the shit that they’re money, but the business isn’t like that
sounds and tones. We arranged the jamming down everyone’s throat on anymore. You’re in a van or RV and a
record, wrote the songs and we had radio. We’re looking out into every lot of people just can’t handle that. Of
Matt Dougherty, who has worked on crowd and we know that we can course, we do hold a high standard up
some great things, do some additional headline anywhere and everywhere and there has been a member or two
production and engineering, so who were replaced because they
it was definitely a team effort. weren’t able to play with us the
We’re not that stubborn, but we way we play. We pride ourselves
definitely did what we wanted on being a special group of
to do. We wanted to go for real musicians and we have to feel
sounds, real guitars, real drums, that way about everyone we play
no samples and the band pretty with.
much recorded it live in the room.
What’s going on after the
I think you’ve come out of the gate Snocore Tour wraps up?
swinging with the first single “I We’re going to headline this
Get Around.” If that’s an indicator summer, probably June or July in
of the rest of the EP, then fans are the states and Canada and then
in for a treat. we’re probably going to headline
You know man, it might not be again around September or
and the EP might even blow your October, somewhere in that
mind a little beyond that. I don’t area. We don’t want to open
mean to say that; I’m going to let for anyone anymore unless it’s
you guys listen and see. I’m not someone we really love and
going to talk it up too much, but respect. We had a couple of bad
there’s some beautiful work done on we want because of these loyal fans experiences opening up for bands
the EP and there are some songs on and we love it. and on tours that we didn’t really
there that really make me feel a certain want to take that we didn’t feel were
way. Honestly, people walk a fine line You can’t help but to feed off of that beneficial enough to our career as
of how much they want all your shit when you see it. far as some of the shit that we had
to sound the same way, but we’re not Oh definitely, because part of the night to eat. We really don’t want to open
really thinking about that. We’re just being magical is on them too. We do for anyone after all of that. 
doing what we think is great and what what we do and we’re always going to
we want to do. I do think that “I Get do what we do, but sometimes it’s up to
Around” is a great song and I really them to put out that energy to us that
believe that our friends in radio should makes it magical. We’re going to try
step up and play it if they like the song. and be majestic every night because
I’m trying to change a movement for when we get up there and play, that’s
all artists because all artists are going to how we feel. We feel like we’re killing
be looking to where they’re going to go shit and we’re crushing the shows.
next and I want them to feel that they
do have a move to make. I want to help I have a fan submitted question from
people out and I want them to be able Kenny in North Carolina that I want to
to look at the way I did it and follow throw out to you if you’d like to tackle
the program. it. Did all the changes in the music
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