Page 7 - RockRevoltMagazine-FebruaryMarch2016
P. 7
I’m trying to find myself, forgotten so quickly. are the gateway to those
Coming back to the same words to try Dissonants is perhaps the avenues being worth
difference between the anything at all. It is better
to tell a different story. band being a genuine to get something right
I’m farther from myself, career, or a working holiday than get it done, and that’s
Coming back to the same words, in we haven’t quite reached a mantra we have to live by.
hope they come alive without me. the end of yet. Building
on our previous releases is Can you take the readers
a massive pressure, from through the song writing
ourselves and from our process?
fans, so coupled with the Patience and maturity is
challenges of still being everything. You have to
a ‘breaking’ band after inject yourself into every
four years on the road, line, groove, and rhythm
it was a stressful process but also detach yourself
to put together. That in a enough to be constantly
way was what delayed the able to edit and refine your
album as far as it did - we work by asking yourself,
knew we were working “what am I trying to
on something great, but it achieve and express by
needed that extra time to this? What can make it
perfect and refine it. better?” It just takes time
and respect for the art - if
What made you choose you don’t love it, it’s not
“New Romantics” and “I ready.
am” as the singles from
Dissonants? What do you find to be
“I Am” was intended as the greatest struggle in
a standalone single to developing new material?
transition Unimagine into I think it’s progressing -
Dissonants, but as the song you always need to keep
came together, it felt like moving forward so you
the perfect introduction don’t become stale, but at
to what Dissonants would the same time, you don’t
be - particularly in teasing want to leave anyone
the title in the line, “I behind, so you have to take
am dissonant”. “New a step sideways with every
Romantics” was just a step forward. You really
really fun song we wanted need to be honest with
to take on the road, so it yourself in what makes you
made sense to put it out tick without just repeating
during our tour cycle! and recycling what you’ve
already done.
What are some changes or
things you’ve learned since What does a successful
your first album? tour feel like to Hands Like
That the music is key to Houses?
everything. Even though It’s feeling that connection
a musician’s income is with the audience, where
90% built on touring and the music is something
merchandise, the songs intangible in the air