VIZA Brings the Alternative Back with ‘The Unorthodox Revival: Vol. I & II’

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What ever happened to VIZA? Last we heard, they were sharing the stage with such alt-rock luminaries as Serj Tankien and Gogol Bordello and dominating European dates, and then they were gone. Well, apparently we just weren’t paying attention, cause the LA 6-piece is back on the scene, having just played a critically applauded set at AFTERSHOCK and released a two disk set entitled The Unorthodox Revival: Vol I & II. In an unusual move, the group revealed the album one song at a time, but with little fan-fair beyond their tight knit fan-base, so if you were as in the dark as us, definitely head over to their YouTube and check out the full 12 track album.

“I personally think this is our best work, due in part to the fact each song had its respective time to perfect and our incredible engineer Yury Anisonyan who was on board,” – K’noup (Vocals, Guitar)

“Even though these songs were released digitally on YouTube and Spotify, we want our dedicated fans to be able to enjoy these songs in album form too, and that allows us to incorporate the album artwork physically as well!” – Kzirian (Vocals. Oud)

The Unorthodox Revival Vol. I Track List:
1. Viktorious
2. Cash Karma
3. Velvet Shade
4. A World Of Broken Mirrors
5. Aphrodite
6. Vicious Game

The Unorthodox Revival Vol. II Track List:
1. Pinches
2. Sheep
3. Diabolic Angel
4. Dancing Twig
5. Tom Waits for Her
6. Pathway

Click to Purchase Two Disc Set of The Unorthodox Revival: Volume I & II

Viza continues to captivate the global music scene with an erratically amusing blend of energized international rock. Unique in its musical arsenal is the inclusion of loud and percussion blended with more traditional rock elements such as guitar, bass, and drums. This fascinating fusion, combined with dramatic and powerful live performances have garnered Viza significant success all over the world.

Among the band’s extensive touring schedule, Viza has performed at one of Europe’s largest and most prestigious music events at Hungary’s Sziget Festival’s main stage (alongside KornThe KillersAxwellThe Vaccines, and The XX, among several others) as part of a month long European tour in August 2012. Viza has also performed at Sweden’s Malmofestivalen, Norway’s Kartfestivalen, Slovenia’s Schengenfest and Trnfest and Greece’s Rockwave Festival (alongside The ProdigyGogol BordelloFlogging Molly, and Marky Ramone’s Blitzkreig), and has toured Europe 6 times in the past 2 years alone.

Demonstrating a knack for reinventing old rock classics, Viza covered the Doors tune “Alabama Song (Whisky Bar)” by adding its own strong seasonings and aggressive fusion style in a compelling reimagination of this classic rock ballad, which is available for free download.

Aside from a passion for music, touring and song writing, Viza’s extensive performances around the globe also serve as their voice for promoting social consciousness of human rights and community issues – as well as providing opportunities to fund-raise for various charities, homeless shelters and orphanages.

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