Starbass Releases Sexy New Vampire Video for “Love’s Little Curses”

14732315_331436453899319_4013017684978862561_nWho doesn’t love the 1983 Catherine Deneuve and David Bowie modern vampire classic The Hunger?  American Horror Story even recreated the storyline in Hotel, with a Golden Age Hollywood twist, of course.  So when the new Starbass music video for his minimal electro-pop single “Love’s Little Curses” came across our screen, we couldn’t help but get enraptured with the hazy, dreamy vampiric love story played out visually between producer Steven Comeau and his gothic succubus.  The song itself, while a little out of our typical comfort zone, compliments the story perfectly, lending to the retro-80s cinematic feel.  Check out the video, below, and watch for his upcoming LP, Distant Signals.

Distant Signals is all about texture and emotion, trying to paint a visual picture with sound in a very cinematic way. I tried not to care about electronic music categories and genres and just make music that was rich, detailed and full of feeling. The album works great coming out of a system at a club or a festival but also has an intimacy that is wonderful to listen to when it’s just your headphones and your innermost thoughts.Starbass

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Starbass is the creative identity of DJ / producer, multi-instrumentalist, & Performer, Steven Comeau.

1005715_513977135324775_264484539_nCinematic & darkly textural sound design combined with strong songwriting and a splash of classical composition makes the sound of Starbass unique.
Originally from Toronto Canada, Steven is currently working out of Salt Lake CIty. Over the years Steven has been known as an electronic music pioneer in Eastern Canada producing many underground club hits as well as placing on the national dance charts. Steven continues to explore new sounds in creating both original music and helping others find the sound they are looking for.

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