When My Darkest Days frontman Matt Walst made the decision to leave the band after an irresistible offer to become the new singer of Canadian hard rock legends Three Days Grace, the remaining members were already hard at work spawning the inception of a new exciting project – Never Say Die. With writing for their first full-length album beginning on a relentless tour schedule with My Darkest Days courtesy of frontman Reid Henry, the band is eager to hit the ground running and extensively tour their powerful debut album, Destroy + Rebuild.



Hi, Reid! How would you describe your sound for people getting to know you?

Never Say Die is a hard rock band with electronic elements.

How would you describe the story of the formation of Never Say Die?

The group was formed in the wake of My Darkest Days singer Matt Walst joining Three Days Grace by Brendan McMillan, Mike Langford, Dane Hartsell, and myself.

What are your favorite bands ,and how do they influence your music?

Having spent so much time writing with Matt (Walst) and looking up to 3DG, I would be remiss not to credit him and those guys for the massive influence they’ve had on my writing style. We love bands like the Deftones, NIN, Tool, Metallica… but actually everyone in the band has a pretty diverse music palate and a love of melody and songs.

Canada has produced some huge rock bands in past years; how would you describe the rock music scene there currently?

I’ve always been focused more on writing and being myself than being part of a scene per se. A lot of rock bands and rock musicians seem to be finding success in country music though.

Your debut album Destroy + Rebuild started life as an EP; when did you realize you wanted to make this a full-length LP?

We made the first four songs really, really fast… we enjoyed working on the material, and there were a ton of song ideas ready to go, so it was a no-brainer to keep going.

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What is your favorite song off the album and why? 

I’m so close to all the songs it’s impossible to pick a favorite…”Like A Nightmare” is really fun to play live, so if I had to pick it would be “Nightmare”.

Do you have any future touring plans, and what can fans expect from your live performances? 

We’ll be on tour throughout the U.S. all year! Lots of festivals in the works for late summer, too.

Where do Never Say Die want to be in five years time?

Making our 10th studio record!

Absolutely! Why should people check you out and buy the new album?

There are a ton of amazing people who support independent music, and we appreciate each and every one of them.

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Never Say Die Destroy + Rebuild
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