Pain! - backgroud - logo - painWho said dead was dead? Dead is just beginning! We’ve got the dead walking on TV. We have Zombies on the big screen, and we’ve got Edward (he’s a fucking Zombie, not a Vampire. If he were a Vampire, he’d be going up in flames in daylight. Zombies are undead that can eat people and hang out in the day – herego, Twilight is just a bunch of well-preserved Zombies playing out shitty love stories). The dead is ALIVE and in a very big way.

Some PAIN! can hurt so good! This horror punk band from Frederick MD, is most definitely coming to get ya! Bringing the punk scene back to life, with their rockabilly knowhow, horror application, and modern sensibility, this band is definitely a band to keep on your radar. They are absolutely on ours, and we don’t intend to let them out of our sights.

Full of wicked laughter and ghoulish delight, we are ecstatic to bring to light the RockRevolt Indie Band of the Week, PAIN!

When you guys were first starting out, what did you find most appealing about the “horror punk” genre? 

Nekro:   Well, actually when we started out we were a classic metal band! We were heavily influenced by Metallica and Danzig’s solo stuff. Then after we played a couple of punk shows and realized they were far more fun than metal shows we decided to go in that direction. The music changed further as we changed guitarists a couple times.

For someone who’s never been to one of your live performances, what kind of horror could one expect from going to a PAIN! show? 

Timmy: High energy horror rock from hell and we’re taking you there with a hell of a good time.

pain - heres to the afterlifeYour website said that you guys are currently in talks with some record labels. Is there any news on that front? 

Baron Von PAIN!: Well we’re talking to a few, but we are at this time still unsigned.  So, we’re still sending out Media Kits to labels that we think would appreciate our sound and what we bring to the table.  When it’s supposed to happen, it will happen with the right deal.

I know you have at least one song based off of Stephen King’s The Shining. What other horror books, television shows, or movies have influenced your music?  

Tim: On our new EP Here’s to The Afterlife there’s a song called “Out for Blood” and it’s inspired by The Lost Boys and about being young, cool vampires. In general we’re all inspired by horror movies and books. We’re also about to start working on a cover of  “Pet Sematary” by The Ramones so there’s some more (Stephen) King influence!

Can fans expect to see any PAIN! music videos soon? 

Fester: We have one that was made about two weeks after I joined the band for our song “Don’t Walk on My Grave.” However we are looking at making another music video, most likely for the previously mentioned “Out for Blood.”

Watch the official video for PAIN!’s Don’t Walk on my grave

[embedplusvideo height=”380″ width=”590″ editlink=”” standard=”″ vars=”ytid=pXQQOjSfU8c&width=590&height=380&start=&stop=&rs=w&hd=0&autoplay=0&react=1&chapters=&notes=” id=”ep3561″ /]

There is a bunch of PAIN! shows coming up in early 2014. What are your plans for the summer? Maybe a tour or a fest circuit? 

Drako: Right now we’re working on possibly touring in Florida and I believe we’ve got two festivals booked already.

Your Facebook page says your fans are your number one influence. Can you tell us about your most memorable fan experience? 

Baron Von PAIN!: My memorable fan moment is when one of our fans called the Steel God made us custom microphone stands that are absolutely bad ass!

Timmy: Without those fans then we wouldn’t be where we are, so meeting any of them is a memorable experience for me.

What’s the most horrifying thing you’ve ever seen?

Drako: Tour shenanigans hands down are the most horrifying thing I’ve seen.

Nekro: As the victim of many tour shenanigans I agree!




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