Ever since 2008, this New Jersey band has been working tediously  keeping punk alive. Influenced by everyone in between Bobby Fuller and Blink-182, they keep the aggressiveness, but infuse it with choruses and a guitar riff that sets up shop in your head, and refuses to leave.

Their album, The Art of Dropping Names, is available on iTunes and Spotify, and is designed to get you to not only listen to it, but to get physically involved with it. Just as with the high energy and active crowd participation in their live shows, the album sucks you in and demands your fullest attention.

They are out there, pounding the pavement and getting shit done! This band has what it takes, and is definitely one to keep your eyes open for this year. Because of their energy, savoir faire, and just all around kick assery, they earned the title of RockRevolt’s Indie Band of the Week!

  [embedplusvideo height=”365″ width=”450″ standard=”″ vars=”ytid=4fHa-OC7NLE&width=450&height=365&start=&stop=&rs=w&hd=0&autoplay=0&react=1&chapters=&notes=” id=”ep1476″ /]

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