One-Way Mirror – Capture

The Dreaming – Rise Again


  1. Stinkin’ Of Gold
  2. Neglected Skies
  3. The Clock is Ticking
  4. Speculations
  5. Warnings
  6. Confusion Core
  7. Cliffs
  8. Screenshot
  9. Lady Marmalade
  10. Fuck Your Autotune
  11. Tomorrow Comes Fast
  12. We Love to Complain


Artist: One-Way Mirror
Title: Capture
Release Date: January 27
Year: 2015
Rating: 3.5 skullz
3 and a half skulls - dark background_edited-1

one-way-mirror---bandFirst came Gojira. Modern metal pioneers ascending above the French metal scene with the blistering ‘L’Enfant Sauvage’ back in 2012. Now, looking to follow in their footsteps comes France’s answer to Killswitch Engage.

In their decade long career One-Way Mirror have released two full-length albums that became subject to rave reviews from critics and fans alike, channelling a dark European sound with American hard rock to create a unique and exciting prospect. With their latest release Capture, OWM have produced a clean-cut non-stop riff fest of an album that is simply FUN.

Bursting into life comes the enigmatic album opener “Stinkin’ Of Gold”, an immediate showcase of what the band is capable of, included in the oozing riff, soaring solos and powerful chorus that cries “What are you made of?” expertly delivered by frontman Guillaume Bideau.

There’s no let up as the thunderous drumming introduces follow up “Neglected Skies”, which offers more of the same intense back and forth of unrelenting breakdowns and screams into nothing short of sublime melodic work, demonstrating some tremendous chemistry between the band, completed by lead guitarist David Potvin, rhythm guitarist and brother Franck, bassist Vincent Perdicaro and drummer Clement Rouxel.

The lads are clearly not short of talent, as another highlight of the record comes on the fantastic “Speculations” that features something of a cross-breed of Trivium-meets-Killswitch Engage with an almost uncanny imitation of Jesse Leach-esque vocals seen throughout the album, displaying the clear influences of the band members. The vocal range of Bideau is something that definitely deserves credit and is worth mentioning, as it can switch in an instant from Jesse Leach roars, to soaring Myles Kennedy (Alter Bridge) choruses, and then bizarrely to a brilliant Zack De La Rocha (Rage Against The Machine) infused rap-rock verse.

One-Way Mirror Trailer [New Album 2015 – ‘ Capture ‘] HQ

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Tracks like “Warning” and “Screenshot” keep things fresh with different styles being applied on the slower paced stop/start broken record effect of the former, whilst more ‘neckbreaker’ riffs (as the band like to call them) add an extra dose of heavy on the latter just for good measure to emphasise their ‘metal up your ass’ thought-pattern.

That’s not to say things don’t get INSANELY weird when the words “hey sister, go sister, soul sister, flow sister” fart out of your speakers on the absolutely bonkers rock cover of  “Lady Marmalade”, made famous again by Christina Aguilera in 2004, just casually slotted in amongst the heavier songs on the album. Words cease to even describe this monstrosity and although in fashion with their over-the-top fun rock, I’m afraid this slice of the cheesiest of cheese goes down about as well as mouldy brie.

Luckily, things are just about saved by the aptly titled “Fuck Your Autotune that is screamed with maximum ferocity, a war cry to support the real music we all worship and what will surely be a real crowd pleaser on the band’s upcoming European tour. By the time the double whammy finale of “Tomorrow Comes Fast” and “We Love To Complain” roll around, “Lady Marmalade” is just about forgiven. Both offer incredibly strong performances that bring together the whole purpose of the album – good old fashioned metal with a modern twist.

Tomorrow Comes Fast” fuses together some Korn style guitar work with one of the most memorable build ups to the chorus on the record. Just when you think OWM could not possibly think of anything else to include on this most diverse of metal records, album closer “We Love To Complain” creates a dramatic conclusion with a full-on background of strings and violins complimenting an epic end to an album that will no doubt be in your head for days after.

What One-Way Mirror have achieved with Capture is something they can be proud of. Fusing together a myriad of heavy influences, they have pulled the best elements of the best bands and mixed it all up to make metal fun again. Tres Bien!

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by Tom Vaughan, RockRevolt Magazine Contributor

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