Page 11 - RockRevoltMagazine-Summer2019
P. 11
depression. I like the way you’re thinking
Yes, it’s all physical. Like there and that makes total
my stomach is destroyed sense.
from it. Like acids come No, it’s a real thing. It’s -- we
into my throat. It causes talk about how contrived pop
acid reflux disease and songs are these days. A lot of
irritable bowel. Like all people think that it’s a machine
of the worst physical like there are all these writers
things that happen. who are just writing these pop
Yes, I’ve seen multiple Europe for like five or six think she is amazing without songs that they know are going
doctors and a therapist festivals around Europe. And my intervention and she to sell and that may be true to
and I’m on medication Yeah, I think he’s a lot more Tell me about your tour life then back to the States for should keep it that way and I a degree, but the other thing
and I’m doing all of th e proud now that I’ve made the and just what you’ve learned a tour with Shinedown and should stay as far away and I that’s true and the reason that
things that are necessary. And decisions I’ve made. about being on tour. then everything from that should just be a spectator. So, happens is because you take
it helps, but it’s something I’m I’ve learned to do laundry to point, I can’t talk about that. like my ego wants to say I want like five writers and you end
going to be struggling with Your lyrics are very real and do as often as possible. Socks But I can tell you that we are to collaborate with her, then up with the lowest common
possibly my whole life. emotional and very deep and are disposable. Just accept not releasing any new music if I’m being real, she doesn’t denominator of ideas and you
they touch on subjects that it. They’re disposable. Don’t anytime soon because that’s need me. She should do her end up with really boring basic
Right. But it sounds like you’re are potentially uncomfortable. sleep too much. When we just the last thing on my mind own thing. songs. And that’s really what it
dealing with it well. Is there anything that you’ve started, obviously for years is making another record. is, it’s not like there’s conceptual
I am now. I wasn’t in the written that you’ve felt was and years, we rode a small 15 That’s just impossible at this Well she probably doesn’t ideas like we’re going to write
beginning. In the beginning, too far out there for human passenger van, and we would point. But we will be putting need you either and you don’t something that’s boring and
I didn’t see doctors. I was consumption? find hotels and finish the show out some more content and need her but I think together, done before because we know
self-medicating, I was really No. I mean before “Ghost” was at like midnight - 1 a.m., and music videos and new singles it would be a powerhouse. it’s going to sell, it’s like this is
considering quitting music. a single, I was afraid of how get to the hotel to sleep for like things like that. I don’t know, that’s what we just what everybody accepted.
Like deeply considering it. people might react. I didn’t a couple of hours and then get always want. Like you take This is what we came out with
Right before we wrote the know that it was going to work up to drive the next city too Perfect. We’ll be looking two artists that you really because we didn’t have any
album, that’s kind of where on a mainstream platform. I early. Now that we’re on a bus, forward to that. Who would like and you put them in a like amazing ideas that weren’t
my head was at. It was either initially, we weren’t even sure it’s really easy to just like check you play with or tour with room together, you imagine being stifled by all these other
like dive in deep and make an if we should put that song on out and wake up at 3 p.m. that you’ve never toured with something brilliant is going to people in the room who are
album and write some songs, the album. And then when we when you have to go sound before? come out of it, but here’s what just trying to get a song.
or call it quits now. Write up did put it on the album, we check and that hasn’t been Some kind of collaboration I’ve learned because I have
the email, send it to everybody, thought, “well it won’t be a very healthy. Like sleeping 10 with Billie Eilish, that would collaborated with other artists And nobody wants to take a
this is it! I don’t like this lifestyle, single, it will just be something -12 hours because I can. The be it. that I respect that I really like risk so you just kind of agree
this is not healthy for me, it’s that people sort of find on kick that I’m on now is to set and I think they’re so talented on it.
not working. I mean I was their own and it’ll become sort an alarm even though I can Musically or visually? Because and I’m a fan of. I found that Right. Well individuals take
really teetering on the edge of a cult thing that only certain sleep. I’m not touring the way she’s amazing but I think a lot of times, not every time risks but groups don’t, that’s
and I decided to -- I had the people enjoy and most people that I used to where I have to where she really stands is her but a lot of times when you what it is.
thought, “If my 13-year-old won’t get it.” And then the be the driver and I have to do imagery. collaborate with somebody,
self could like see me now and decision was made to make all this, I still shouldn’t take Her videos are phenomenal it’s not both of your best That’s right.
see that I’ve come this far and it a single and there was fear advantage of that. and then the opposite, it’s like ideas combined. Its whichever Wow, that’s actually really
I’m about to quit, he would for sure. But I don’t think I’m truly the opposite of what our ideas are good enough for good, I got to write that down,
slap me across the face?” So, saying anything that people Right. Yeah, sleep hygiene is band does which is we’re very each other so it’s really each I like that. I’ll use it in a later
I’m doing it for him. aren’t thinking themselves. a thing. story-telly and she’s very like person’s worst idea that was song.
Those are very basic human visual art. Like all of our music just acceptable, you know
Is that what stopped you from things that I’ve learned. On a videos are all like beginning, what I mean? Like the lowest
just outright quitting? Individuals spiritual and emotional level middle, end. There’s a common denominator ends
Yeah, it was a big part of it. It I’ve just found that people are protagonist, there’s like up being the song and those
was sort of just like -- I don’t take risks, really cool. Large groups of characters and hers are just collaborations don’t go well.
know. I don’t know how many people who enjoy the same very stark art pieces that are That’s my experience. I think if
lives we have. As far as we things that you enjoy are very just incredible. But I’m more I’m not controlling every little
know, we have one and if I groups cool and it’s really special that about the music, I’m just a fan piece of it, I’m not allowed
have the opportunity to do we have this community to of her lyrics and a fan of her to make like really ridiculous
something really special with don’t. play for and to entertain and songs and the production, all revisions with someone else
my one, it’s stupid to waste to connect with. of it. I don’t know, I say that I in the room stifling that, then
and I shouldn’t waste it. want to collaborate with Billie that’s when my best art is
What’s up next for Eilish, but then when I really going to come out.
Absolutely. I think you make Badflower? think about it, I don’t think I
your 13-year-old-self proud. We’re about to head to belong anywhere near her. I
11 // RockRevolt Magazine