Page 7 - Issue12
P. 7
to have a busy bassline, while Simon an obstacle. She had to do whatever “us.” It’s our eyes that we are being
wanted to play double-bass. All of she could to get better as fast as seen through. I already knew of a
these things were clashing with each possible so that she could continue number of good photographers,
other. Everyone is now listening to recording. one of which is a good friend of
each other instead of just listening to mine named Deepti Suddul (here
their own parts. Vicky brought a lot Paco broke his hand during the in Montreal) if she was interested
of that, just by opening the doors of process. He had one solo left to in doing this and she said yeah.
communication by making it more track, and he broke the right finger So we just did it! We shot it, and it
easygoing. There was never even the on his right hand. Because of that came out really cool.
possibility of that before. he couldn’t hold a guitar pick. He
decided to track his guitar solo Whose eye is it?
What about live shows? Does playing using the finger tapping method, It’s actually my wife’s eye.
with a different front-woman feel and he ended up writing a really
different or awkward at all? cool, interesting, guitar solo for Oh fun! You have a couple of videos
The first few shows I felt nervous “Disconnect Me” by doing that. out now. Your second video “My
for her. I wasn’t nervous myself Witness/Your Victim” just released
being on stage, but I felt nervous last night. Tell us why you
thinking about whether or not decided to come out with those
she was okay. That’s past now. songs.
We’ve done a couple of tours It was really hard to pick
and we are very comfortable which songs. A number of us
in that sense. Similarly, how we all agreed that “Gates of Horn
had never collaborated in studio and Ivory,” the opening track
writing - we didn’t collaborate to the album, was really just
on stage either. There was no a big punch-in-the-face kind
interaction between the singer of a thing, and that we wanted
and us. So, the dynamics have that for our first single. We
really changed on stage as well. wanted to bash people in
the face with this new track,
Were there any challenges or new singer, new album, and
obstacles? make people go, “Holy shit!”
It was smooth in the sense That’s how that came about.
that it was the most enjoyable The lyrics influenced the
recording process we’ve ever done, Serendipitous! You all decided to go decision, in terms of which
again, partially due to that ease with a different medium for the cover songs we could picture being
in communication. I was there art of Eye Of Providence. I read that interesting music videos.
for everything, because I’m like you went with real photography and Most people are going to
that, I guess (laughs). I was there objects rather than hand-drawn hear the song for the first
for everyone’s tracking, and I time while watching the
or CGI. What made you go in that
was there for most of the mixing. direction? music video, not by the audio
There were days where the entire I just felt that we were going by itself.
band was there. People wanted to through a big change on this
You worked with David Brodsky on
be there and be a part of it. That album, and I thought the art
was cool. There are still obviously should reflect that. Also at the these?
challenges, like anything else. It was same time, based on the concept We worked on “Gates” with him.
a lot of hard work, finding the best that I was developing about the Eye He directed it. Chris Kells, our
possible way to express ourselves, Of Providence, I already had the bass player, shot, directed, and
whether through our performance, concept that I wanted: the close-up edited the “My Witness” video. He
or the sound quality we are trying of an eye looking upwards to the does that for a living. But this was
to create. Vicky caught bronchitis sky. I knew that could be created in the first time that he’s done a video
during her vocal tracking; that was CG, but the point is to say that it’s for us.
wanted to play double-bass. All of she could to get better as fast as seen through. I already knew of a
these things were clashing with each possible so that she could continue number of good photographers,
other. Everyone is now listening to recording. one of which is a good friend of
each other instead of just listening to mine named Deepti Suddul (here
their own parts. Vicky brought a lot Paco broke his hand during the in Montreal) if she was interested
of that, just by opening the doors of process. He had one solo left to in doing this and she said yeah.
communication by making it more track, and he broke the right finger So we just did it! We shot it, and it
easygoing. There was never even the on his right hand. Because of that came out really cool.
possibility of that before. he couldn’t hold a guitar pick. He
decided to track his guitar solo Whose eye is it?
What about live shows? Does playing using the finger tapping method, It’s actually my wife’s eye.
with a different front-woman feel and he ended up writing a really
different or awkward at all? cool, interesting, guitar solo for Oh fun! You have a couple of videos
The first few shows I felt nervous “Disconnect Me” by doing that. out now. Your second video “My
for her. I wasn’t nervous myself Witness/Your Victim” just released
being on stage, but I felt nervous last night. Tell us why you
thinking about whether or not decided to come out with those
she was okay. That’s past now. songs.
We’ve done a couple of tours It was really hard to pick
and we are very comfortable which songs. A number of us
in that sense. Similarly, how we all agreed that “Gates of Horn
had never collaborated in studio and Ivory,” the opening track
writing - we didn’t collaborate to the album, was really just
on stage either. There was no a big punch-in-the-face kind
interaction between the singer of a thing, and that we wanted
and us. So, the dynamics have that for our first single. We
really changed on stage as well. wanted to bash people in
the face with this new track,
Were there any challenges or new singer, new album, and
obstacles? make people go, “Holy shit!”
It was smooth in the sense That’s how that came about.
that it was the most enjoyable The lyrics influenced the
recording process we’ve ever done, Serendipitous! You all decided to go decision, in terms of which
again, partially due to that ease with a different medium for the cover songs we could picture being
in communication. I was there art of Eye Of Providence. I read that interesting music videos.
for everything, because I’m like you went with real photography and Most people are going to
that, I guess (laughs). I was there objects rather than hand-drawn hear the song for the first
for everyone’s tracking, and I time while watching the
or CGI. What made you go in that
was there for most of the mixing. direction? music video, not by the audio
There were days where the entire I just felt that we were going by itself.
band was there. People wanted to through a big change on this
You worked with David Brodsky on
be there and be a part of it. That album, and I thought the art
was cool. There are still obviously should reflect that. Also at the these?
challenges, like anything else. It was same time, based on the concept We worked on “Gates” with him.
a lot of hard work, finding the best that I was developing about the Eye He directed it. Chris Kells, our
possible way to express ourselves, Of Providence, I already had the bass player, shot, directed, and
whether through our performance, concept that I wanted: the close-up edited the “My Witness” video. He
or the sound quality we are trying of an eye looking upwards to the does that for a living. But this was
to create. Vicky caught bronchitis sky. I knew that could be created in the first time that he’s done a video
during her vocal tracking; that was CG, but the point is to say that it’s for us.