REFLECTIONS have debuted a new song via lyric video today entitled “My Cancer” in anticipation of their upcoming release. The band will unleash Exi(s)t on October 22, 2013. “This song was written to speak to a lot of people in my life and I hope that other people can use it the same way and connect with us,” says vocalist Jake Foster.
Produced by Eyal Levi at Audiohammer Studios (THE BLACK DAHLIA MURDER, UNEARTH), this is the band’s follow up to last year’s The Fantasy Effect. Foster continues, “We aren’t writing music as a gimmick. We write music to express our struggles and triumphs to try and let people know that they are not alone. We couldn’t be more excited for everyone to hear the new song. Hopefully everyone enjoys the new album.”
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REFLECTIONS just wrapped up trekking across the country with OCEANO and will be announcing more touring plans soon.
1. Exit
2. Delirium
3. Vain Words From Empty Minds
4. Bridges
5. My Cancer
6. Lost Pages
7. Candle
8. This House
9. Stories Through Storms
10. Exist
REFLECTIONS is: Jake Foster (Vocals), Patrick Somoulay (Guitar), Charles Caswell (Guitar), Francis Xayana (Bass) and Cam Murray (Drums).