“Boondock Brothers represents the raw, uncut side of rock and roll and delivers an energetic, exciting show each time.  They have been referred to by many as “the future of Rock n’ Roll”.”

That is what their bio reads on Reverbnation…and it couldn’t be a truer statement. This band delivers talent, sexy guitar solos, technically sound drumming, and a bass slap that just puts a smile on your face and a groove in your hips. It’s a re-establishment of classic elements wrapped up in the future generation of where rock and and roll should go. They are on the right path and we at RockRevolt Magazine are here to celebrate them and put them on your radar as a band to keep your eyes and ears open for as our Indie Band of the Week!

Boondock Brothers are frontman Michael Schenk, drummer Alberto Sandoval, and Shawn Peters. Michael and Alberto met at San Diego State, and realized that they had a chemistry that needed further exploration. Shortly after they met Peters, and their music has just exploded. They had their first big show at the House of Blues’ main stage, and they continue to learn and explore their exquisite musical talent.

Watch Boondock Brothers play “Lady In Red” at The House of Blues
        [embedplusvideo height=”281″ width=”450″ editlink=”” standard=”″ vars=”ytid=dzdbJL4KG-4&width=450&height=281&start=&stop=&rs=w&hd=0&autoplay=0&react=1&chapters=&notes=” id=”ep7773″ /]  

After one listen, you can glean their inspirations in classic rock style and fundamentals. All three musicians are deeply inspired by iconic musicians such as Jimi Hendrix, Stevie Ray Vaughan, Little Richard, Led Zeppelin, The White Stripes, CCR, Pink Floyd, Bob Dylan, Alice in Chains, The Clash, etc. etc.; however, you can also sense a musical foundation of much more technical playing. For example, Shawn Peter’s musical prowess stems from his beginnings in flamenco guitar. If you are looking for a diamond in the rough with a classic sound and a modern spin, this band is your band…and this week, they are our INDIE BAND OF THE WEEK!

Follow Boondock Brothers via the site links below!

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